Almost 90 schools benefited from recent council food support programme Omagh
28th March 2024

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council allocated £70,000 to primary and secondary schools in the District for additional food provision, aimed at alleviating food insecurity for the pupil population.
Gibson Primary School in Omagh was one of the many schools who benefited from the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council School Food Support Programme which was funded by the Department for Communities. In collaboration with the school’s local supermarket, McBrides’ Spar, who also added funds, Gibson Primary School in Omagh provided free healthy snacks at break time for all pupils. The healthy snack initiative ran for three weeks and started on the 15th Jan 2024, with 320 children benefiting.
Commenting on the support Gibson Primary School received, Principal, Mr Keith Sterritt, said,
“We understand the financial pressures facing families and this tends to be intensified in the month of January. We also find that children sometimes fall into bad eating habits over the Christmas break. Therefore, this was the opportune time to benefit from funding allocated to us from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council. With the addition of the generous contribution from McBride’s Spar, we were able to provide the initiative for three weeks.
Additionally, our p7 pupils enjoyed the responsibility of distributing the healthy snacks to all the classes. It was an inclusive exercise where every pupil benefited, and I think this improved the success of the scheme. I wish to thank Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and McBride’s Spar for the funding/contributions which allowed us to implement this worthwhile initiative.”
Drumragh Integrated College, Omagh, is another school who benefited from the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council School Food Support Programme and it hosted a range of food support initiatives, such as free breakfast, pancakes on Pancake Tuesday and hot food with an extended break. The various initiatives were carried out in February with 650 children benefiting.
Commenting on the support Drumragh Integrated College received, Principal, Mrs Imelda Kirk, said,
“Finance continues to be a concern for many families given the rising cost of food and pressures on family life. We were delighted to be able to avail of the School Food Support Programme and wish to extend our thanks to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council for grant funding in respect of this initiative.
The Programme enabled all students at the College to avail of free healthy and nutritious break items over a number of days, including the celebration of Pancake Tuesday. On this particular occasion, all students were able to enjoy pancake treats with their peers regardless of financial circumstances. A healthy diet is central to well-being, and we welcome all opportunities to support the holistic development of our students.”
Commenting on the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Food Support for Schools programme, Vice Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Cllr. Ann-Marie Donnelly, said,
“I am pleased that the Council, in conjunction with the Department for Communities, is supporting children in our district.
Unfortunately, latest data estimates that 27% of the population in the Fermanagh and Omagh District is living in relative poverty.
The Council is committed to ensuring that our residents are healthy and well physically, emotionally and mentally. We hope this Food Support for Schools programme, will have helped provide food for those in need especially during winter months, which are often especially tough months financially for households.
I would like to thank all the schools who participated in this programme and for the innovative schemes you put in place to make the best use of the funds allocated to you.”
This Food Support for Schools programme was part of a wider fuel and food support programme where £310,000, which was funded by the Department of Communities (DfC), was allocated to help struggling households, older people, and children across the district through charities and relevant organisations. More information on the wider Fuel and Food Support programme: