Back with a Bang for Northern Ireland Science Festival

26th February 2020

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.
thumbnail Fossilised Footprints   St Patricks Primary School, Derrygonnelly

Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark organised a number of events to celebrate Northern Ireland Science Festival which ran this year from 13 – 23 February.

This year saw the return of the Earth Science Lab sessions which took place on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February 2020.

Over 200 children from across the Geopark region, attended Belcoo Community Centre to participate in a number of interactive experiments, including, Violent Volcanoes, Rock Fall Jenga, Fossilised Footprints, Earthquake Predictions and Making a Cave.  These projects were aimed at Key Stage 2 level pupils.

Participating schools included Florencecourt Primary School, Jones Memorial Primary School, Enniskillen Model Primary School, Willowbridge School and St Patrick’s Primary School, Derrygonnelly from Co Fermanagh, as well as Farnham National School and Greaghrahan National School from Co Cavan.

The Geopark also hosted Cosmic Cuilcagh in the Marble Arch Caves Visitor Centre, a location which has inky dark skies to rival many. This event, which attracted over 100 participants incorporated a range of indoor activities such as a 3D Space Show with Sirius Science, a Mighty Meteorites demonstration, real meteorites display with Dr Michael Simms, galaxy in a jar making together with a pop up Stardome. Participants also got the opportunity to indulge in a spot of stargazing outside as the clouds lifted.

To coincide with the Northern Ireland Science Festival the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geoparks also launched its events programme for 2020.

Speaking about the Northern Ireland Science Festival and the upcoming programme of events, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Siobhán Currie said:

“We are once again delighted to be able to celebrate the Science Festival in a way that allows both local people and visitors alike to engage and learn about the unique and fascinating natural heritage within the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark. This is a fantastic platform from which to launch its exciting and innovative events programme for 2020”.

For more information on all the up and coming events within the Geopark visit