Captivating Talk on Omagh’s Crevenagh House Draws Enthusiastic Audience

29th January 2025

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History enthusiasts and members of the local community gathered at the Strule Arts Centre for a fascinating talk, “The House on the Hill: The Auchinlecks of Crevenagh House,” the talk explored the rich history of Crevenagh House and its connections to the Auchinleck family.

Presented by Vincent Brogan from Omagh Heritage Forum, the event delved into the history of the family and estate from Major Henry Auchinleck’s leadership after his retirement to the contributions of his descendants during both World Wars. The talk explored themes of architecture, family legacy, and the broader historical context in which the Auchinlecks lived, providing attendees with an enriching experience that brought local history to life.

Speaking about the event, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry, said:

“The Council is committed to bringing people together to celebrate and reflect on our rich heritage and shared experiences. Fermanagh and Omagh District Council values and enhances access to the rich and diverse heritage of our district, and this talk is an excellent example of how we achieve this. By offering information on topics with significant local historical importance, we foster community connections and preserve our local heritage through inclusive and engaging programmes.”

This event is part of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s wider efforts to promote community engagement and to ensure the region’s unique heritage continues to be celebrated and appreciated by residents and visitors alike.

Stay updated on upcoming heritage events and programmes in Fermanagh and Omagh by visiting Enniskillen Castle Museums or the Strule Arts Centre.

To take part in Fermanagh and Omagh District Councils Draft Heritage Plan Consultation, which is now open and closes Monday 14 April please visit