Community Planning Partnership working together to improve quality of life for Fermanagh and Omagh residents
3rd June 2024

Fermanagh and Omagh Community Planning Strategic Partnership Board met on 16 May 2024 to discuss the progress of its recently adopted new Community Planning Action Plan for 2024-2028. The Action Plan outlines the priorities agreed by the Partnership over the next four years which includes working together to ensure Improved Citizen Wellbeing; Inclusive and Empowered Communities; Enabling an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Economy; Destination Fermanagh Omagh; Promoting Climate Action and ensuring Biodiversity.
Speaking following the meeting the Chair of the Partnership, Councillor Barry McElduff said:
“Community Planning partners must continue to work together across organisational boundaries as financial pressures continue to ensure that, together, we do the best we can for the people of Fermanagh and Omagh to deliver much needed public services in these trying times.”
At the meeting, Barry Boyle, Network Co-ordinator & Community Development Worker with Fermanagh Rural Community Network, provided an update on the evaluation of the Western Response and Action on Poverty (WRAP) on behalf of the appointed consortium consisting of local organisations Fermanagh Rural Community Network, Omagh Forum for Rural Associations, Oak Healthy Living Centre, ARC Healthy Living Centre, Lakeland Community Care and The Courthouse Kesh.
He advised that the programme had provided wraparound support to 143 identified households (411 individuals) from a range of 13 nationalities. In addition, over 800 onward referrals were made to provide further assistance to participants, examples include the Affordable Warmth Scheme, Fuel Savings Scheme, Home Safety Scheme and Debt Advice. He confirmed that the programme had provided much needed immediate support for people affected by the cost-of-living crisis and hoped that work would continue to meet growing demands.
Sinead Collins from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) provided a detailed overview with regards to housing need, supply and activity within the district and updated the Board on the district’s five-year projected housing need and ongoing social housing developments.
Fiona Teague from the Public Health Agency (PHA) highlighted the existence of health inequalities within the District and advised that the Fermanagh and Omagh district currently has one of the lowest call rates to Lifeline, reminding the group that Lifeline, Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline for people experiencing distress or despair, is available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Lifeline has qualified and experienced counsellors who will listen and provide the help and support needed.
The Strategic Partnership Board Chair, Cllr McElduff commented that:
“It was great to receive an update regarding the significant progress that has been made on the updated Community Plan Action Plan. We welcomed the addition of partner updates at this meeting as the specialist insights that partners bring contributes significantly to the Community Planning process. The success of the WRAP programme highlights that much can be achieved when organisations collaborate, and it was interesting to learn that this District has one of the lowest call rates to Lifeline. Collective efforts should be made to promote this resource to all those in the community who may find it beneficial.”