Council Chair hosts a reception for BrightStarz Fermanagh and Erne Endurance Challenge Team

3rd November 2023

BrightStarz and Erne Endurance (1)

Recently the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Thomas O’Reilly, hosted a reception for BrightStarz Fermanagh and the Erne Endurance Challenge Team.  The Erne Endurance Challenge Team completed an epic 10km run every 4 hours for 48 hours in August this year to raise funds for BrightStarz.

Below is a copy of the speech delivered by the Chair at the reception.

Good evening Councillors, ladies and gentlemen,

As Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, I am delighted to welcome you all here to The Townhall, Enniskillen for this reception in honour of Fermanagh BrightStarz and Erne Endurance Challenge Team.

I understand Fermanagh BrightStarz was established in 2015 and is run by a group of willing and dedicated volunteers.  The Club aims to improve the lives of people who have a learning or physical disability through leisure and arts activities.

You also work hard to address and remove any obstacles to social inclusion which may exist to provide opportunities for anyone with a disability to enjoy arts and leisure activities and events.

I understand you also provide opportunities to participate in various events and activities including dance, drama and singing as well as performing in The Ardhowen.  It was at a recent performance in The Ardhowen that members of Erne Endurance Challenge Team were highly impressed by the enthusiasm, talent and work of the Club and they chose BrightStarz to be their Charity Partner for the Erne Endurance 2 Challenge.

The Erne Endurance Challenge Team consists of runners from various running clubs in the District who came together to complete challenge whilst raising money for charity.

The Erne Endurance 2 Challenge saw some members of the Running Club complete 10 kilometres every 4 hours for 48 hours in August to raise money for BrightStarz.

The challenge started on Friday 18 August 2023 at 4pm and finished on Sunday 20 August 2023 at 4pm.  This was an ambitious feat and I believe the runs at midnight and 4am each night were the hardest.  However,  the runners dug deep and channelled the courage of the BrightStarz members to stay strong and successfully complete the challenge.

As partners in the Fermanagh and Omagh Community Plan 2030, the Council is committed to ensuring that our people are healthy and well, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Both of your Clubs contribute towards the achievement of this outcome for the District.

I would like to commend the Erne Endurance 2 Challenge,  this was an admirable task which you undertook all with the aim of raising valuable funds for BrightStarz.  Each of the runners, and everyone who supported you and helped to raise money, can be proud of your achievements and the difference you have made to the lives of the members of BrightStarz.

I would also like to congratulate and thank the volunteers of BrightStarz for everything you do for the Club and the members.  You selflessly give of your time to, as your goals says, help every person with a disability lead a confident enriched life.  You have made a tangible difference to the lives of the members and their families and I am confident that you will continue to do so in the future.

To the members of BrightStarz, you are all an inspiration to so many of us.  Your enthusiasm, commitment, talent and courage is exceptional and you can be proud of yourselves.

On behalf of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate each and everyone of the members and volunteers of both BrightStarz and the Erne Endurance Challenge Team for the positive contribution you make to your Clubs and the wider District.  You are excellent ambassadors of how Clubs and Communities can work together to support each other.

You have done yourselves, your Clubs, your County and your District proud and I wish you every success for the future.

Thank you.