Council Chair hosts business event on Industrial Decarbonisation in conjunction with Invest NI
3rd May 2024

Almost 60 representatives from local businesses from across the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area attended the fourth in the series of business events hosted by the Council Chair, Councillor Thomas O’Reilly. The event was part of a series of engagements led by Invest Northern Ireland on Industrial Decarbonisation (ID).
Invest NI is seeking to establish four clusters as part of its ID-NI Project which will support businesses to identify opportunities to benefit them in terms of efficiencies and investment and financial support. Eugene Heaney, Green Economy Business Development Manager with Invest NI, outlined what the ID-NI Project should look like and why businesses should become involved.
Speaking at the event, Council Chair. Councillor Thomas O’Reilly, said:
“It is recognised that achieving decarbonisation targets will be uniquely challenging for all business sectors, from those operating large industrial processing sites to SMEs, logistics and agri-food businesses, who are the backbone of the District.
This event provided an opportunity to discuss and explore the potential benefits and challenges at a local and regional level.
It also provides an opportunity to showcase the suitability of businesses in Fermanagh and Omagh for one of Invest NI’s ID-NI clusters. The Council would be delighted if one of the clusters was in our District.”
The Council’s Director of Environment and Place, John News, provided an overview of the Council’s Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy. John highlighted some examples of work being delivered by the Council as part of its commitment to achieve a ‘Net Zero’ district by 2042, emphasising the importance of support for collaboration with local businesses to help them reduce their carbon emissions.
Also speaking at the event, Stephen Kelly from Manufacturing NI outlined the benefits of Industrial Decarbonisation and why businesses should pursue strategies and initiatives to help achieve this.
Gordon Best, from the NI Mineral Products Association, shared insights from that sector and recognised examples of innovative projects which are being delivered in this area. The morning was rounded out with a presentation from Matthew Rhodes (Camirus), who provided an insight into the practical challenges and benefits of a collaborative industrial decarbonisation project in the Midlands of England (‘Re-Powering the Black County’).
If any business is interested in being part of the proposed cluster in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area or to find out more about the Council’s climate action initiatives, contact the Climate Action Team on or 0300 303 1777.
For information on support for local businesses, contact the Economic Development Team on 0300 303 1777.