Council facilitates intergenerational storytelling event for students and local heritage group
26th April 2024

To mark Intergenerational Week, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council facilitated an event for South West College students and Omagh Heritage Forum to meet and delve into the rich, cultural and natural heritage of Omagh.
This special event, held at South West College, Omagh, on Thursday 25 April, showcased the power of linking generations to share knowledge and skills with each other. As students learnt about Omagh’s history by interviewing members of the Omagh Heritage Forum, the students shared their knowledge on using a range of media, including video cameras and podcasting equipment.
The event proved to be a resounding success, with an enthusiastic exchange of knowledge, skills and stories between the generations. The diverse stories of Omagh, which the students have captured will form part of a rich media content library launching at the Stories of The River Strule event on 30th May at the Strule Arts Centre.
Stories of the River Strule is a collaborative project between Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, South West College and the community to develop a series of media productions, prepared by media students at South West College, to showcase and raise awareness of the rich cultural and natural heritage of the local area. More information and to book a place on the free Stories of the River Strule launch event: Stories of the River Strule – Strule Arts Centre – Strule Arts Centre.
Commenting on the Council’s commitment to linking generations, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor, Thomas O’Reilly, said,
“Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to working in partnership, we work with others, and we connect organisations to enable a sense of togetherness and connectedness, for the betterment of our people and the district.
These intergenerational initiatives illustrate our commitment to fostering partnerships and collaborations that respect our distinctive heritage. By bringing to light the diverse stories of Omagh, we deepen our understanding and enhance the appreciation of our heritage for future generations.”