Council introduces dementia friendly films at Strule Arts Centre, Omagh
21st May 2024

The Strule Arts Centre, Omagh, is now offering dementia friendly films to help people with dementia have a more enjoyable experience at the theatre. When a dementia friendly film is being screened, to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for individuals living with dementia, as well as their family members and care givers, adjustments will be made to the theatre experience at the Strule Arts Centre, including additional signage, softer lighting, lower sound levels, reduced audience interaction rules and staff have completed dementia aware training.
The Strule Arts Centre has already successfully hosted two classic dementia friendly films, ‘Meet me in St Louis’ and ‘Calamity Jane’, providing an opportunity for attendees to enjoy these beloved movies from the past in a setting that is sensitive to their needs.
The next dementia friendly film ‘Some Like it Hot’ will be screened on Saturday 25 May 2024 at 2.30pm followed by ‘High Society’ on Friday 31 August at 2.30pm. The event is open to anyone and tickets can be booked online: or by telephoning the Strule Arts Centre on 028 8224 7831
Speaking of the Strule Arts Centre introducing dementia friendly films, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Thomas O’Reilly, said
“I am delighted we are offering dementia friendly films for people in the Fermanagh and Omagh district area to enjoy. The introduction of these films form part of the Council’s Access Inclusion and Age-Friendly Programmes and support the Access and Inclusion Model, produced by people with disabilities and older people, which aims to make public buildings, local businesses and community groups more accessible.
The Council is committed to improving the lives and wellbeing of our communities, and this offering will enable everyone to enjoy a film without feeling rushed or overwhelmed and it increases the accessibility of the Strule Arts Centre.”
In addition to the film screenings, the Strule Arts Centre offers a special option for attendees to enjoy a light lunch in the Strule Café before the film. This meal is available at a discounted rate.