Council launches Corporate Plan 2024-2028
2nd July 2024

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has launched its new Corporate Plan, Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028.
The Corporate Plan sets the strategic direction for the Council for the next four years and identifies the key priority areas and associated actions to deliver on our shared vision for the District.
The overarching priorities for the next four years are Climate Action, People and Communities, Shared Prosperity and One Council. Key actions have been identified to ensure the priorities are achieved with the aim of improving the lives and wellbeing of our residents and providing the best quality experience for visitors.
Speaking about the Corporate Plan, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry, said:
“The Council’s new Corporate Plan for 2024-2028 will be a key document for the next four years. It reflects our commitment to work in the best interests of our people, communities and businesses and to protect our cherished environment.
We recognise the need to continue to be inclusive and adaptable and strive for continuous improvement to meet the changing needs of our residents and the wider social, economic and environmental landscape.
I look forward to seeing the actions being progressed over the next four years to ensure that our District is a great place to live, work, visit and invest in.”
In developing the Corporate Plan, the Council recognised the significant and ongoing challenges faced by residents and businesses in recent years including the Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical uncertainty and the cost of living and cost of doing business crisis. This Plan seeks to address the lasting and ongoing impacts of these challenges by being forward and outward looking.
To view Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028, click here.