Council Launches Events Programme for Good Relations Week 2024

28th August 2024

Good Relations Week 2024 ENNISKILLEN 6

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council marks Good Relations Week with a series of events embracing the theme of OpportUNITY – a call to action to create a brighter, inclusive future for all. Running from 16th to 22nd September, the Council along with local organisations have developed a programme offering a variety of events to showcase the dynamism, creativity and dedication of groups, communities and individuals to work towards addressing challenges such as sectarism, racism, inequality, health and well-being, poverty and education.

Some of the highlights of Good Relations Week include Stories and Songs from West Tyrone and Fermanagh showcasing culture through exploring the songs, poems and prose emanating from the district. Contributors include Pat Lunny, Tom Sweeney, Pearce Gallogly, Calvin Davison, Gerarda McCann and Charles Fyffe. The recording will be available on the Fermanagh Omagh District Council YouTube channel on Monday 16th September 2024 to mark the start of Good Relations Week.

The screening of ‘A Letter to Lia’ and ‘The Breadwinner’ is the offering at the International Cultural Cinema Night Wednesday 18 September at the Strule Arts Centre. ‘A Letter to Lia’ examines the identity of children growing up in a changing Northern Ireland from the starting point of the filmmaker’s own daughter. The focus is on a young girl, Lia, born long after the Good Friday Agreement, who questions what does the conflict mean to immigrants who have chosen to live in Northern Ireland the Good Friday. ‘The Breadwinner’ is an animated drama film about a girl living in war-torn Afghanistan under Taliban rule inspired by author and activist Deborah Ellis who recorded the stories of women living in refugee camps.

On Thursday 19 September in St Columba’s Church Hall, Omagh explores the celebration of culture and diversity through sacred music. Featuring two local singers Gerarda McCann and Calvin Davison with Omagh Academy School choir led by Mrs Rachel Bingham and instrumental accompaniment by Strabane Brass Band the event offers something for everyone. Admission is free.

Fermanagh Churches Forum is organising its annual school conference for year 13 and 14 pupils to take place on Thursday 19th September around the theme OpportUNITY with guest speakers in attendance.

Speaking about Good Relations Week Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry said

“The Council is delighted to once again support Good Relations Week. It’s wonderful to see local community groups and individuals coming together to celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and showcase how they are working together to build a sustained and shared future in our communities.”
“On behalf of the Council I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those across the district that are involved in Good Relations activity making their contribution to a better society for all.”

Good Relations Week is coordinated by the Community Relations Council and supported by The Executive Office as part of the Together: Building a United Community Strategy.

For further information on Good Relations Week activities in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area please email