Council outlines draft Improvement Objectives for 2025-2026
6th February 2025

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, in line with its statutory duty, has launched a consultation on its improvement objectives for the year ahead.
The improvement objectives set out what the Council will do in 2025-2026 to secure continuous improvement and contribute to the core priorities identified in the Council’s Corporate Plan ‘Our Council, Our Plan 2024-2028’.
For the Council, improvement is about focusing on the issues that are important to our community, helping us to achieve our mission to improve the lives and wellbeing of our communities and provide the best quality experience for those who visit our district.
In support of this, it is proposed to retain the 2024-2025 improvement objectives for 2025-2026 to align with the core priorities of the Corporate Plan 2024-2028 and to build on the progress achieved and secure progress against long term outcomes. The actions associated with each objective have been refined. By maintaining a consistent approach, the Council aims to ensure the efficient use of resources, enhance service delivery, and support long term approaches to build on economic development, environmental sustainability and community wellbeing.
The improvement objectives are:
We will prioritise the Council progressing towards Net Zero
We will work in partnership to tackle disadvantage to ensure our people have access to opportunities
We will work in partnership to achieve a more inclusive economy and to promote shared prosperity across our district
We will seek to innovate and advance our governance and digital capabilities to improve the quality of our services and the effectiveness and efficiency of the Council
The draft improvement objectives and associated actions are outlined in the ‘Performance Improvement Plan Year 2: Continuous Improvement 2024-2028’, which is now available for public consultation.
Noting the launch of the Council’s Performance Improvement Plan Year 2 for public consultation, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry commented:
“It is important that as an organisation we seek to continually improve, ensuring we create value, remain lean and guarantee our future sustainability.
To achieve this, we are taking a closer look at what we do and how we do it. We want to ensure we are using all the resources available to us in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Many of these changes will not happen overnight. They require long term planning and a commitment to continuous improvement, which is a key focus within the Council’s Corporate Plan ‘Our Council, Our Plan 2024’ and demonstrated through the Performance Improvement Plan Year 2, which sets out the Council’s improvement objectives and associated actions for the incoming year.”
Please let us know what you think of our proposed improvement objectives and associated actions. The deadline for returns is 9th April 2025. You can complete the survey online through the SurveyMonkey platform by clicking here.
Alternatively, you can complete the survey on the downloadable document and return your completed questionnaire to:
Council Connect Centre Offices, County Buildings, 15 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BW
Strule House 16 High Street, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 1BL
Further information, including our Performance Improvement Plan: Year 1 – 2024-2025 can be downloaded at Alternatively, please email or telephone the Council on 0300 303 1777 to obtain this in an alternative format or seek further information or clarity.