Council recognises Young Achievers in Fermanagh and Omagh
28th May 2024

On Friday 17 May 2024, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Thomas O’Reilly, hosted the annual Young Achievers Reception in the Ardhowen Theatre, Enniskillen.
The Young Achievers event is an opportunity for the Council to publicly recognise young people from across the District who have attained a significant achievement through sport, hobbies, education, an organisation or charity.
This year, just almost 200 young people were shortlisted to attend the event in recognition of their achievements in a variety of disciplines including arts, education, swimming, rowing, boxing, tennis, table tennis, taekwondo, ju-jitsu and public service to name but a few.
Speaking at the event, the Chair said:
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to host the Young Achievers reception to recognise the achievements of our young people and the positive contribution they have made to our District.
I believe it is important that we publicly recognise your success to encourage and motive you, and all young people, to continue to pursue their aspirations, have access to opportunities for a positive future and be an inspiration for others.
It is not possible to shortlist every young person and I would like to congratulate those who have exceeded their own personal goals.
Children and young people can face unique challenges and have competing demands on their time with school or college work and part-time jobs, whilst also making time for family and friends. However, they often demonstrate great resilience and determination to succeed and this is something we can all learn from.
You, our young people, are the future of the District and I am confident that the skills, determination, resilience and motivation which you have demonstrated will benefit you in your future careers and ensure that our District continues to thrive and be a great place to live, work, visit and invest in.
I would like to congratulate each of you on your achievement. You have done yourselves, your family and friends, your school, your club and your District proud.”
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to ensuring that our young people have the best start in life and have lifelong opportunities to fulfil their potential. The Young Achievers event is one way in which the Council can encourage our young people and achieve this outcome.