Derrygonnelly village enhancement project completed

29th August 2024

Derrygonnelly Orange Hall Reopening

An enhancement project delivered under the Covid Recovery Small Settlement Regeneration Programme has recently been completed in Derrygonnelly, thanks to an investment £100,000.

Supported by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, the capital funding has enabled improvements to the façade and internal stairwell of Derrygonnelly Orange Hall, including stripping of existing render and reconstructing historic plaster moulds of the listed building.
The Council is committed to ensuring that the district is welcoming and the economy is thriving, expanding and outward looking. The regeneration of small villages is vitally important and through this programme of investment, will ensure that our rural communities can contribute to build a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient local economy.

Councillor John McClaughry, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council commented:
“I am delighted that the Council, through the Covid Recovery Small Settlement Regeneration Programme, has been able to provide funding to improve villages across the district.
This project has ensured the stability of an historic building which will enhance the local community for generations to come.”
Projects totalling £2.5million are being delivered across 14 villages throughout the district.

The Covid Recovery Small Settlement Regeneration Programme is funded by the Council in partnership with the Department for Communities (DfC), the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), and aims to deliver projects which result in positive, visual impacts and assist small settlements to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.