Fermanagh and Omagh District Council launches Enterprise Week 2019

14th February 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.
Enterprise Week

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council this week launched the programme of events for Enterprise Week 2019 which will run from Monday 4 until Friday 8 March 2019.

Supported by local enterprise agencies, Fermanagh Enterprise Ltd and Omagh Enterprise Company Ltd, the week-long calendar of events is aimed at fostering enterprise across the district.

This is the Council’s third Enterprise Week and offers five-days of free business events, workshops, seminars and networking opportunities aimed at all business sectors including anyone considering starting a business, new start-ups, established small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as any individual with an interest in business.

Speaking at the launch of the Enterprise Week programme, the Chairman of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Howard Thornton said:

“This week-long series of events will ensure our business community is provided with a supportive environment in which they can network, explore opportunities that will help the further development of their businesses.

As a Council we are committed to actively supporting local businesses and I have no doubt Enterprise Week will help address many of the challenges our SMEs face on a daily basis. Through assistance like this and other forms of support the Council offers we look forward to seeing the continued growth and expansion of our local businesses over the coming years.”

The packed programme of well over 20 events, designed to suit a range of needs and covering an array of topics from exploring enterprise, growing your business, tendering and procurement, the digital economy and innovation, means there is something for businesses at all stages of development to participate and explore.

In 2019 there is a specific focus on starting a business, growing a business and entrepreneurship.

Throughout the week events will be held in venues in Enniskillen and Omagh covering topics including starting and growing a business, training for retail businesses, social enterprise, digital marketing and tourism to name but a few. The events will also showcase the Council’s own free business support programmes – Kick Start, Advancing Business Growth, Tender for Success and the Digital Support Programme – part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland 2024-2020 Programme.

To register for any of the events in Enterprise Week or for further information contact Aisling Gallagher, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, by telephoning 0300 303 1777 (calls charged at local rate), Text Phone 028 8225 6216 or e-mail businesssupport@fermanaghomagh.com