Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to Illuminate Enniskillen Castle and Strule Arts Centre for Charitable Causes Throughout October
30th September 2024

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council will light up Enniskillen Castle and the Strule Arts Centre, Omagh on various dates in October to support and raise awareness for a number of important charitable causes.
On Tuesday 1 October 2024, buildings will be illuminated in Purple in recognition of International Day of Older Persons and the beginning of Positive Ageing Month. Every year, people from across the world come together to raise awareness of opportunities and challenges of an ageing population, and to mobilise the wider community to address difficulties faced by many older people.
The Council is running a wide range of events during October for Positive Ageing Month, highlighting the vital role that they play in our local communities.
Saturday 12 October 2024 is World Arthritis Day where the Strule Arts Centre and Enniskillen castle will light up in Blue to raise awareness of the existence and impact of arthritis to educate people about symptoms, health care challenges, prevention, and treatment options. With as many as 525,000 people living with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions in Northern Ireland, World Arthritis Day aims to raise awareness of the condition and encourage people to find the support they need.
Buildings will illuminate in Purple for Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day on Sunday 13 October 2024, a day dedicated specifically to secondary breast cancer. The Strule Arts Centre and Enniskillen Castle will light up, once again in Purple on Friday 18 October 2024 for Developmental Language Disorder Day
On Saturday 19 October 2024, the Council recognises Black History Month, providing everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture. Buildings will be illuminated in red.
PoTS Awareness Day happens on Friday 25 October 2024. Buildings will light up Purple to raise awareness of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, a debilitating condition that can affect people of any age.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to raising awareness for charitable causes and marking significant days through the illumination of Enniskillen Castle and the Strule Arts Centre. For more information on the illumination schedule or to learn how to participate, please visit the Charity Support section of the Council’s website at www.fermanaghomagh.com or contact the Community Services team at 0300 303 1777, or email communitysupport@fermanaghomagh.com.