Fermanagh and Omagh election results

20th May 2023

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

62.88% per cent of the eligible electorate of the Fermanagh and Omagh District turned out to vote at the Local Government elections on Thursday 18 May 2023 to select Councillors to serve on Fermanagh and Omagh District Council.

Votes were cast across the district’s seven District Electoral Areas (DEAs) to select 40 Councillors from a total of 64 candidates with turnout ranging from 50.75% in Omagh DEA to 70.82% in Erne East DEA.

Counting took place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May at Omagh Leisure Complex with the following candidates elected to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (names listed in order of when deemed elected):

Enniskillen DEA
Keith Elliott, Democratic Unionist Party
Eddie Roofe, Alliance
Tommy Maguire, Sinn Féin
Roy Crawford, Ulster Unionist Party
Dermot Browne, Sinn Féin
Robert Irvine, Ulster Unionist Party

Erne East DEA
Sheamus Greene, Sinn Féin
Paul Robinson, Democratic Unionist Party
Thomas O’Reilly, Sinn Féin
Noeleen Hayes, Sinn Féin
Victor Warrington, Ulster Unionist Party
Garbhan McPhillips, SDLP

Erne North DEA
Debbie Coyle, Sinn Féin
Diana Armstrong, Ulster Unionist Party
David Mahon, Democratic Unionist Party
John Feely, Sinn Féin
John McClaughry, Ulster Unionist Party

Erne West DEA
Anthony Feely, Sinn Féin
Elaine Brough, Sinn Féin
Declan McArdle, Sinn Féin
Adam Gannon, SDLP
Mark Ovens, Ulster Unionist Party

Mid Tyrone DEA
Padráigín Kelly, Sinn Féin
Roisin Devine-Gallagher, Sinn Féin
Anne Marie Fitzgerald, Sinn Féin
Patrick Withers, Sinn Féin
Shirley Hawkes, Democratic Unionist Party
Bernard McGrath, SDLP

Omagh DEA
Barry McElduff, Sinn Féin
Errol Thompson, Democratic Unionist Party
Catherine Kelly, Sinn Féin
Marty McColgan, Sinn Féin
Stephen Donnelly, Alliance
Josephine Deehan, Independent

West Tyrone DEA
Mark Buchanan, Democratic Unionist Party
Glenn Campbell, Sinn Féin
Allan Rainey MBE, Ulster Unionist Party
Ann-Marie Donnelly, Sinn Féin
Colette McNulty, Sinn Féin
Stephen McCann, Sinn Féin

Seats as follows:

Sinn Féin: 21
UUP: 7
DUP: 6
Alliance Party: 2
Independent: 1

14 new Councillors will sit with the 26 re-elected Members on the newly formed Council.  The Council will hold its Annual Meeting on Monday 5 June 2023, 7.00pm at The Grange, Omagh when positions of responsibility including Chair and Vice Chair of the Council and Chair of the various Council Committees, based on D’Hondt, will be decided. Councillor Barry McElduff will continue to act as Chair of the Council until then.

The Council term will run for four years, 2023 – 2027, with Councillors making decisions on behalf of residents to improve the overall social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the Fermanagh and Omagh District.

The Council will oversee the delivery of a range of Council services including Planning, Environmental Health; Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships; Planning; Waste Management; Building Control and cemeteries.  Alongside the delivery of these core services, the Council will deliver additional services that support and enhance the wellbeing of ratepayers including leisure and recreation, theatres and tourist facilities, as well as a range of community and business support initiatives.

In addition, the Council will take forward an ambitious capital investment programme to improve local infrastructure with £10.1m earmarked – subject to receipt of £2m external funding and other financing arrangements – to invest in a number of local projects.  These projects, designed to improve the attractiveness of the district as a place to live, visit, work and invest, include upgrades to various recycling centres and play parks across the district, the redevelopment of Fermanagh Lakeland Forum and the Ardhowen Theatre, Village and town centre Regeneration Schemes across the District, and the continued enhancement of Ecclesville Forest.

For further information on the Council or election results, please visit Fermanagh and Omagh District Council website.