Help your Council tackle Climate Change together
1st February 2023

Climate Change is one of the biggest environmental issues of our generation and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is inviting resident to have their say on how we can tackle the climate crisis together.
Two public engagement events are scheduled to take place on Wednesday 15 February 2023 in The Townhall, Enniskillen and Wednesday 08 March 2023 in The Grange, Omagh. Both events start at 6.30 pm and are open to anyone aged 16 years and over, however, pre-registration is essential.
The engagement events will involved group discussions on key themes including biodiversity, litter, education and education and outreach as well as an update on current actions by the Council and a short presentation by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful on the Live Here Love Here Project.
Through the engagement events we aim to listen to the views and concerns of residents regarding Climate Change to identify ways in which we can co-create a movement to change behaviours for the benefit of our environment. We also hope to highlight ways in which residents can be more engaged with the Council so they are empowered to drive change in their community.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council was the first Council in Northern Ireland to approve a Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy. Within the Strategy, the Council is committed to achieving a Net Zero District by 2042 and it recognises that it cannot achieve this alone. Therefore, the opinions and actions of residents, community groups and businesses is key to ensure we can reach this target.
All participants are required to pre-register for the events. To register, visit the Consultation section on the Council’s website (, email or telephone 0300 303 1777.