ican Fest 2020

25th February 2020

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.
ican fest

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, in association with the Public health Agency recently launched its second annual the ‘ican fest’ programme. ‘ican fest’ is a festival, organised by the Council and funded by the Public Health Agency, that promotes inclusion and provides children, teenagers and adults with disabilities, as well as carers, an opportunity to explore different activities.

The festival runs from Monday 2nd March 2020 to Saturday 14th March 2020 with a  number of activities taking place each day, with the opening event scheduled for  Monday 2nd March and a Carer’s Day on Friday 6th March.

Throughout the fortnight participants can enjoy a range of activities and workshops such as Jiving, Arts & Crafts, Watercolours, Weaving, DJ Training, Leisure Activities and Balloon Modelling, to name a few.

Speaking at the launch of “ican fest”, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Cllr Siobhán Currie said;

“Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is delighted to launch the ‘ican fest’ for a second year, building on the success of the inaugural festival last year. The Council is grateful for support and funding from the Public Health Agency to help provide such as fantastic programme of activities.”

“It is important that everyone in society has a chance to socialise, be active and creative, and most importantly have fun. One of the key themes of the Fermanagh and Omagh District Community Plan 2030 is to ensure the health and well-being; physical, mental and emotional, of all the people of the district.  The two-week festival will go some way towards this, by helping to promote inclusion and access to activities within the District.

“With 1 in 5 residents of our district living with a disability, it is important for us all to promote ability and inclusion by encouraging people to get out and enjoy activities, not just during the festival but all year round.
“I’d like to encourage everyone to support the festival, take part in activities, and have as much fun as possible.

Siobhan Sweeney from the Public Health Agency, the funders, added:

“PHA is delighted to continue to support the Access and Inclusion Project within Fermanagh and Omagh District Council through the delivery of the second ‘ican fest’, following on from the success of last year’s festival. This is a real celebration of a five year investment from PHA in promoting access and inclusion within arts and cultural services. With over 40 activities for children, young people and adults with disabilities there will be a wealth of opportunities for people to experience the positive impact of engaging in activities on their health and social well-being”

To find out more information please download the Festival Programme by visiting www.fermanaghomagh.com, telephone 0300 303 1777 or email matthew.nevin@fermanaghomagh.com