Local pupils are buzzing to help plant ‘Trees for Bees’

26th November 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.
Arvalee School (1)

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council are making a ‘tree-mendous’ effort for National Tree Week (23rd November – 1st December 2019). The Council is partnering with local schools to plant over 100 heritage apple trees across the district that will support native pollinators for years to come.

Local schools were invited to enter our ‘Trees for Bees’ art competition, producing colourful posters that would be used to make inspirational signs at each apple tree grove.  Fermanagh and Omagh District Council was overwhelmed with the response and the quality of entries with over 580 pupils entering from 23 schools across the council district.  Ten winning entries were chosen to be made into signs and each pupil will be presented with a ‘wild’ goody bag.

Winning schools are now receiving their own ‘Trees for Bees’ as part of the scheme and learning more about the important role pollinators and trees have in protecting our planet.  Bees and other pollinators need lots of nectar to survive, so by planting heritage apple trees we can help support them and hopefully provide apples for free too! Trees are amazing; they are home to lots of wildlife, help lock up carbon dioxide to combat climate change, reduce flooding and help prevent soil erosion.

Why not get outdoors this year and help plant trees for wildlife.  You can do it yourself in your own garden or why not join us at a local park on our volunteer days in 2020 to help do your bit.

To get involved in the project, please visit Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s website www.fermanaghomagh.com or contact the Council’s Biodiversity Officer, on 0300 303 1777, textphone 028 8225 6216 or email biodiversity@fermanaghomagh.com.

Pictured with her teacher, Geraldine Campbell and Julie Corry, Biodiversity Officer, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, is Lucy Connolly from St. Joseph's PS, Drumquin who was one of 10 winners from across the District in the Trees for Bees art competition.
Pictured with her teacher, Geraldine Campbell and Julie Corry, Biodiversity Officer, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, is Lucy Connolly from St. Joseph's PS, Drumquin who was one of 10 winners from across the District in the Trees for Bees art competition.