Omagh Christmas Lights Switch On
11th November 2024

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in partnership with Housing for All, Arbour, Radius and Apex Housing Associations invites you to start the Christmas season in style with the Christmas Lights Switch-On in Omagh on Saturday, 23 November 2024.
Delivered by Urban Events, the day promises festive family activities including Christmas Carols, Story Telling, Arts and Crafts, Street Animation, Live Music and more all leading up to the Christmas Lights Switch-On at 5.30 pm.
A welcome addition to the Christmas Lights Switch on programme this year begins with the Christmas Market at the Marquee on Main Street from 11am – 5pm. Explore a vibrant selection of fresh produce, artisan foods, and handmade crafts complemented with local musicians such as St Eugene’s Brass and Reed Band, filling the air with festive spirit. This continues with the Seasonal Outdoor Music Programme (outside Danske Bank)1pm – 4pm with music from Bros Inc. and Keelan Pritchard enhancing your Christmas Shopping experience in Omagh Town Centre.
Strule Arts Centre will be a hive of activity throughout the day. Courtesy of ‘Housing for All’, Santa will be available in Strule Arts Centre from 12pm-3pm for families to say hello, get their photo taken and even receive a photo to remember the occasion. Plan your visit so you can also enjoy the Christmas Storytelling taking place in the Lecture Theatre at 2.30pm and 3.30pm. (2 x 35-minute stories) and Arts and Crafts between 2pm – 4pm creating your own Christmas Bauble. These activities are Free but spaces are limited and bookable on line at
A full programme of Festive Music and Entertainment will take place on the main stage outside the Court House from 4pm in the lead up to the Christmas Lights Switch on and 5.30pm. Adding extra sparkle to the celebrations, Santa’s little helper and compere, Buddy the Elf will warmly welcome everyone including a delightful performance by Cooley Primary School just after 4pm as they sing their favourite Christmas Carols and Omagh Churches Forum who will present a short Christmas Blessing to one and all.
Buddy the Elf will then guide the audience on an enchanting journey around the world, showcasing Christmas traditions from various countries. Special guest characters Moana from Hawaii, Belle from France, and Anna & Elsa from Norway, sharing songs and customs from their homelands and marking Santa’s arrival to the festivities.
Tumble Circus and Festive Characters will interact and engage with audiences as they assemble in anticipation for the arrival of Santa Claus, who will make his way through the crowd joining Destiny’s Elf, a lively girl band, to lead everyone in a countdown to the Christmas Lights Switch-On.
The Christmas Light Switch-On is being supported by the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. The Programme had its origins in the NI Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy, which reflected the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society.
Approximately £6.9m has been invested in the Woodside Avenue, Mountjoy Road, Woodbrook and Camowen Woods shared housing developments in Omagh and their associated five-year good relations plans. Apex, Arbour and Radius Housing continue to work in partnership with local advisory group stakeholders and residents to develop and deliver a good relations plan for the area.