Update in relation to Storm Éowyn

25th January 2025

Updated 28 January 2025 at 10.47 am

The following council services are now available

Leisure Centres

Council Leisure centres are open as normal for residents affected by powercuts.  There will be tea, coffee and biscuits, soup and sandwiches; facilities to charge mobile devices; WiFi; shower facilities; and a warm space:
Bawnacre Centre (10am- 6pm)

NIE Networks and Northern Ireland Water

NIE Networks Staff will be available at Fermanagh Lakeland Forum and Omagh Leisure Complex from 11am to 7pm to provide advice to residents impacted by powercuts as a result of Storm Éowyn.

Bin Collections

The black / green residual; blue recycling bin and large brown comingled bins which were missed on Friday 24 January 2025 as a result of Storm Éowyn will be collected on Saturday 01 February 2025. Please present your bin by 7am.

Parks and Open Spaces

Our Parks and Grounds Maintenance Teams are continuing with the clearance of trees and repairs to our parks and open spaces as a result of #StormEowyn.  The Teams have just completed visits to all of our sites and some still remain inaccessible due to the extensive tree fall. The Council teams aided by contractors have been prioritising sites and areas based on ensuring public safety.

Some areas will unfortunately remain closed across the Council’s estate for some time until they can be assessed, cleared and reopened safely.  For safety reasons, we are asking the public not to enter any closed off areas in our parks as the clearance works continue.


Updates on Council Services and from Multi Agency Partners will be shared on the Council’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

The following may be useful:

All information correct at the time of publication.