Brexit and the Border Corridor Report

171013   Brexit Report

Eleven Local Authorities along the Border Corridor, collaborated to commission a joint research report on the risks, opportunities and issues to consider as a result of Brexit.

This is an important initiative as there is no doubt the Ireland/Northern Ireland border area will be most impacted by Brexit.

The report, “Brexit and the Border Corridor on the Island of Ireland; Risks, Opportunities and Issues to be Considered” was officially launched in Brussels on Wednesday 11 October 2017.  All eleven Local Authorities from the Border Corridor were represented at the official launch. The delegation from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council comprised the Council Chairman, Councillor Stephen McCann and the Chief Executive, Brendan Hegarty for the one day visit.

A copy of the report is now available on the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council website. The Council urges everyone and particularly businesses in the Council area, to consider the content of the report carefully in order to be aware of the issues to be considered in relation to Brexit and to prepare for them.

Following the launch of the report, on Wednesday morning, the elected representatives had a round of political engagements with MEPs and a member of the EU Brexit Steering Group. In parallel with these meetings, Council Officials were engaged in a series of meetings with senior officials at the Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels, the permanent representative of the Irish Government in Brussels, the Head of Ireland’s Brexit team and Senior Officials from the EU Brexit team with specific responsibility for the Ireland/Northern Ireland border.

The visit to Brussels not only facilitated the launch of the report but also sent out a very clear message that the eleven Local Authorities along the Border Corridor are working closely together to lobby and advocate for the needs of the region on an ongoing basis. The group is committed to continuing with its efforts to engage with the highest levels of Government in Belfast, Dublin, London and Brussels  in order to manage the transition which will take place as Brexit unfolds.

