Contact Events Team & SAG

Events Team

The Events Team sets clear, challenging and realistic objectives in order to meet the Council’s Performance Management Improvement plans and contribute to the delivery of the Community Plan.

They Lead on the management and delivery of the Events & Festivals Strategy . They are responsible for working across all Council departments for the:

  • Direct delivery of events and festivals (including local, national, international, large-scale, civic, annual, special events, sporting events, festivals and other similar events)
  • Provide Direction and Support for events and festivals delivered through Council’s Sponsorship and funding schemes.
  • Management of Strategic external partnerships and Contractual management of third-party events and festivals delivery
  • Attracting events and festivals to the district.

The Events  Team are part of the Cultural & Wellbeing Department. Contact us on: E. or T: 0300 303 1777

Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

The Events Team are also responsible for administration and organising the Fermanagh and Omagh District Safety Advisory Group (SAG). The purpose of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is to uphold reasonable standards of public safety and give advice the operational aspects of public events and festivals.
The SAG will ensure reasonably practical standards of public safety at all relevant public events and festivals held within the Council area by ensuring that adequate provisions are made for health, safety and wellbeing of all public attending events and festivals.

Copies of Actions from meetings below.

Contact: E. or T: 0300 303 1777 and ask for Event Team.

File Type Size Date
230424 SAG Action Notes For public pdf 301 KB 30th April 2024
170524 SAG Action Notes For public pdf 287 KB 14th June 2024

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