Sponsorship, Grant Aid and Bursary Support, Budgets

Events and Festivals Sponsorship

Events and Festivals Sponsorship calls are now CLOSED and will open in April 2025 (Subject to Council approval)

Sponsorship available:

  • Events and Festivals that take place between April 2025 – 31 March 2026.(TBC)
  • European Heritage Open Day events that take place on/or TBC September 2025.
  • Culture Night Events that take place on TBC September 2025.

Grant Aid and Bursary Support.

Applying for grants can be a time-consuming process that requires good planning and preparation, but with that effort, event organisers can be rewarded with sustainable financial support. You may wish to look into some of the smaller community grants that are available locally and nationally look towards funding streams whose purpose is to support larger events. Bursaries are also open to individuals for Culture & Sport.

Visit Council Grants & Bursary Programme for additional information. For further assistance contact the Funding & Investment Unit, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council:

Our Website: https://www.fermanaghomagh.com

By Email: grants@fermanaghomagh.com

By Telephone: 0300 303 177

By Textphone: 028 8225 6216

Event Budget

You need to give your budget careful thought to ensure that you have included all of your event’s potential income and expenditure. Depending on your ambitions for your event, and how much support you have from the local community, you may need to fund-raise to cover your costs.  Events vary significantly in cost depending on the nature and scale of your plans.

Please think about income and expenditure for the event remember to consider all income you may receive. An expenditure list can be exhaustive and rather than list individual items at a planning stage it can be easier to estimate spend under several headings. Our Events Budget Template will provide you with a great starting point and can be downloaded below.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has a number of service activities and events that carry potential sponsorship and partnership opportunities. These assets could provide the opportunity for local businesses and media to raise awareness of their products and services in a cost effective and targeted manner – encouraging residents and visitors to support local businesses as well as supporting local economic growth.

These sponsorship opportunities may include (but are not limited to):

  • Corporate events,
  • Council organised sporting events,
  • Council tourism events.
  • Other Sponsor or partnership opportunities

The Council will advertise Inward Sponsorship opportunities on this webpage. All potential Sponsors will be required to complete an online application form. Please read the Sponsorship Inward Guidelines before completing the online Sponsorship application.

Sponsorship Appeals

If your application is unsuccessful, or you are not satisfied with the recommendation, you can contact the Sponsorship team (sponsorship@fermanaghomagh.com) to request more information. If you are still not satisfied and wish to appeal a decision.

Sponsorship Acknowledgement

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) would like to support your communication efforts to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the positive impact supporting your event will make. It is a requirement that groups and organisations in receipt of Sponsorship must acknowledge that support. Please see how your group can do this by reading the Acknowledging Support document below.

File Type Size Date
Events Budget Template doc 52 KB 10th April 2019
Corporate Sponsorship Policy pdf 20 MB 26th January 2022
Acknowledging Support pdf 10 MB 20th August 2024
Inward Sponsorship Policy pdf 9 MB 26th January 2022

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