Forum Redevelopment Façade

Fermanagh Lakeland Forum – Proposed Redevelopment



Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has been working on a proposal to redevelop the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum and it is anticipated the Council will decide on the investment for the proposed redevelopment Spring 2025.

The Council acknowledges the Forum’s importance to many people. The aim of the proposed redevelopment is to ensure that the very best facilities are available to all.

It is anticipated that, if approved, the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum will potentially close end April 2025. The new facility is scheduled to reopen in 2027.

We recognise that a project of this scale will have an impact on those who use the centre. We have prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions to explain more about the proposed redevelopment project, what it means to you and access to leisure services during the proposed redevelopment.

Frequently Asked Questions - Proposed redevelopment plans

FAQs - Access to leisure services during proposed redevelopment

Further information and enquiries

The Fermanagh Lakeland Forum team will continue to engage with customers over the next number of weeks to keep them up to date.  

For any further enquiries please contact:  

General enquiries
Email, telephone 028 6632 4121, or speak to a member of the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum team.  

Membership enquiries
Email, telephone 028 6632 4121, or speak to a member of the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum team.  

Please note, all information correct at time of publication (04 December 2024, update February 2025) and may be subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates. To receive project updates on the proposed redevelopment of the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum, please sign up here. 


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