Motion: Mental Health

Policy and Resources Committee - 11th September 2024

That this Council notes that one in four people in Northern Ireland will experience problems that affect their mental health and that it remains one of our greatest challenges; notes the prevalence of suicides across Fermanagh and Omagh District area in recent months and recognises that every loss is an individual tragedy and life changing experience for families; welcomes the hugely significant recognition across society that mental health is as important as physical health and the real progress that has been made in removing stigma and barriers in people coming forward for support; believes that this Council, along with a wide range of other local stakeholders, has an important role to commit to joint working to improve mental wellbeing with suicide prevention as a central priority; and therefore agrees to promote a collective message that help is available to anyone who are experiencing or have experienced suicidal thoughts or mental ill health.

Proposed by: Proposed by Councillor Warrington and seconded by Councillor Armstrong