Motion: Rescission of a preceding resolution in relation to the resolution regarding proposed sanctions on Flintridge Resources/Galantas in light of successful HSENI Prosecution over Health and Safety Failings
Council Meeting - 10th January 2023
We the undersigned wish to progress the rescission of a preceding resolution specifically the decision taken on the above Motion brought to the Full Council Meeting on 6 December 2022.
The purpose of the motion is twofold, and its stated aims are to:
(i) Rescind the decision taken on the motion in early December 2022; and
(ii) To advise on the full impact of the findings of the HSENI judgement in the Crown Court, and the impact that this has had, and indeed threatens to continue to have, on the people, biodiversity and environment of this
District Council area.
Proposed by: Councillor McAleer, seconded by Councillor S Donnelly and supported by Councillors Fitzgerald, Keenan, O’Cofaigh and Swift.