Motion: Strule Shared Education Campus

Regeneration and Community Committee - 10th September 2024

That this Council

a) welcomes the formal awarding on Wednesday 7 August 2024 of the Department of Education contract for the construction of the Strule Shared Education Campus in Omagh;

b) renews our focus and engagement with relevant government departments, as well as other key stakeholders in the public and private sectors to ensure that there is a proper, co-ordinated, strategic and resourced place-shaping approach to develop the five soon-to-be vacated school sites in Omagh Town, and

c) recommits to the future viability and sustainability of Omagh Town Centre in the context of the physical transformation which the town is inevitably set to undergo over the next four years ahead of the scheduled opening of the Strule Shared Education Campus in September 2028.


Proposed by: Proposed by Councillor McElduff and seconded by Councillor McColgan