Former TP Topping car dealership 18 Dublin Road Enniskillen
Re-advertisement - Demolition of existing garage and erection of a freestanding McDonald's Restaurant with drive-thru, car parking, landscaping and associated works including 2No customer order displays
Lands approximately 165 metres West of no. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co Tyrone, BT79 7SF
Variation of Condition 41 of K/2014/0246/F (Article 28 application for non-compliance with conditions 25 and 26 of application No K/2013/0072/F (Extension to existing underground exploration tunnel; including temporary buildings, vehicle parking, waste roc
Lands approximately 600 metres South West of No.45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co. Tyrone, BT79 7SF
Variation of Condition 6 of K/2014/0387/F (Revised explosives store location and layout; a temporary explosives store building, extension to the existing access track, security fencing and gates, 3 culverts/headwalls; CCTV; screening bund, protective housi