Re-Advertisement - Amended scheme. Housing development consisting of demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 3no. detached houses, 8no. semi-detached houses and 9no. townhouses
Lands bounded by nos 3-23 Cherryvalley to the south of St Michaels playing fields to the north of Killunure lough drain to the east and the Cherrymount link road to the West
Renewal of planning application LA10/2018/0061/F - Erection of 31no. townhouses consisting of 27 no two storey and two and a half storey bedroom houses, 4 no. two storey 4 bed townhouses with associated car parking
Lands NW of the junction of Tattyreagh Road and Craigavon Road opposite Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road and opposite 220 Tattyreagh Road, Fintona
Proposed Housing development of 96no. units consisting of 36 no. Detached dwellings,56 no. Semi-Detached dwellings, 4 no. apartments and 20 no. detached domestic garages with associated development roads and landscaping
Change of use from self catering accommodation units to a single two-storey dwelling house, provision of a single domestic garage and provision of new entrance to the property and closing off access via existing shared entrance