Lands at Inish Dacharne, Gublusk and Rossfad W, NW and SW of "Rossfad Cottage" - 160 Killadeas Road, Ballinamallard, Enniskillen, BT94 2LS
Proposed change of house type and re-siting of approved 20 unit holiday home development granted under LA10/2012/0090/O and LA10/2016/0277/RM, lawfully commenced under LA10/2020/1176/LDP, with enlarged site boundary to provide 36 No Eco Modular Timber Holi
Lands adjacent to and NW of 2 Drumwhinny Road Kesh, BT93 1TN
Proposed Section 54 Application to amend conditions 1 and 2 of approval LA10/2019/1308/F for 3 number detached 2 storey dwellings adjacent to and north west of 2 Drumwinny Road, Kesh. Conditions regarding sight lines to be amended to substitute removal of
Immediately West of 16 Eskragh Road, Omagh, BT78 1UW
Section 54 application to vary condition 22 (time limit, increase time for extraction) to application LA10/2021/0691/F (removal of minerals from lands)