The project consists of the construction of a single storey Community Hub Building and associated infrastructure (Servicing/Road/Carparking/ext. Bin storage). The Hub Building will be a steel framed, curtain walling and panelled construction and will compr
No.75 Main Street Lisnaskea & No.3 Water Street Lisnaskea
Proposed demolition of former supermarket and associated storage buildings to rear at no.75 Main Street, Lisnaskea. Plus the demolition of No.3 Water Street Lisnaskea (one of a pair of semi-detached dwellings)
75 Main Street & 3 Water Street Main Street & 10 Water Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JD
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of proposed mixed use building to provide community group facilities, offices, cafe & ancillary spaces. Men's & Ladies' Shed facility, 5 No. emergency single occupancy apartments; 9no. ensuite bedroom overnight