Planning Applications 18th December 2023
18th December 2023
Number | Location | Proposal |
LA10/2023/2391/F | Approximately 500m East of 76 Stranafeley Road, Bunlougher, Brookeborough | Replacement wind turbine to that approved under LA10/2015/0145/F & LA10/2016/1124/F - Change of tower height from 50m to 59m |
LA10/2023/2394/F (Re-advert) | 40 Derreens Road, Derryhowlaght West, Bellanaleck, BT92 2DY | Extension to rear and east side of dwelling |
LA10/2023/2400/F | 30m SW of McClintock Primary School, 77 Letfern Road, Seskinore | Natural stone and steel village entrance feature |
LA10/2023/2401/F | 63 Old Rossorry Road, Enniskillen, BT74 7LF | Extension and alterations to dwelling to provide first floor accommodation incorporating box dormer |
LA10/2023/2403/F | 5 St. Julians Downs Mullaghmore Omagh Tyrone BT79 7RF | Proposed detached garage for domestic use (storage of vintage cars) |
LA10/2023/2404/RM | Approx. 25m West of 6 Killyfuddy Road Killyfuddy, Trillick, BT78 3QP | Erection of Single Storey Replacement Dwelling |
LA10/2023/2407/F | 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8BJ | Proposed 2No. gable extensions to existing changing rooms to provide Committee Room and additional changing rooms |
LA10/2023/2408/F | 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler, BT92 8BJ | Erection of Fitness Room |
LA10/2023/2409/F | 80 Drumadown Road, Monea BT93 7BR | Proposed amended access to dwelling |
LA10/2023/2410/F | 291 Moorlough Road, Newtownbutler | Proposed new Entrance gates/Pillars/Boundary walls & railings |
LA10/2023/2411/F | 3 Tircur Road, Omagh, BT79 7TY | The proposed development will include the provision of 3no. 2 bedroom specialist care facilities, an associated chill-out room with corridor link to the previously approved 12 bedroom care facility and a separate building annex to provide an Activity room |
LA10/2023/2413/F | 4 Lambrook Rise, Omagh, BT78 5ST | Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling |
LA10/2023/2414/LBC | 186 Main Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JF | Remove the existing ATM and infill with stone to match existing, remove existing data hatch, bin, blank plate and night safe and infill with stone to match the existing. Remove general blue signage and projecting sign and make good wall |
LA10/2023/2417/F | Approx 785m SE of 30 Segully Road, Drumquin | Proposed single wind turbine with maximun 69m hub height, and maximum 82m rotor diameter with associated ancilaary development including construction of laneway and crane hardstanding, on site substation and control building, underground cables, all other |
LA10/2023/2418/RM | 40m N of 94 Derryad Road, Lisnaskea BT92 0BX | Single story dwelling with detached domestic garage |
LA10/2023/2419/O | Land immediately SW of 41- 47 The Meadows, Lack Rd, Irvinestown, BT94 1FY | Residential Development: renewal of LA10/2020/1157/O for residential development with associated access road, services (including package treatment plant, in necessary), common green space and landscaping |
LA10/2023/2420/F | 60m NW of 31 Baragh Road,Ballinamallard | 3no. dwelling, 3no domestic garages and all associated site works |
LA10/2023/2422/F | Lands Approximately 270m North-East of 18 Dresternan Road, Rosslea, BT92 7LP | Retention of existing agricultural shed, hard standing and laneway on an active farm |
LA10/2023/2423/F | 5 Culmore Park Culmore Omagh Tyrone BT78 5AD | Single storey rear extension |
LA10/2023/2424/F | 176 Main Street, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JE | Change of Use from Beauty Salon to Hot Food Carryout |
LA10/2023/2425/F | Lands opposite 6 Loughview Close, Omagh, BT79 7FY | Retention of parking space |
LA10/2023/2426/O | Lands 435m east of 15 Derryvore Road, Derrylin, BT92 9FF | 3no. tourist glamping pods and welcome/communal building with associated site works |
LA10/2023/2428/F | 2 Coolnagard Drive, Omagh, BT78 1PD | Conversion of existing garage to bedroom and rear sun room extension |
LA10/2023/2430/F | 111 Inishroosk Road, Enniskillen, BT92 0QJ | Proposed erection of domestic store |