Moat Primary School 241 Main St Castle Balfour Demense Lisnaskea BT92 0JH
Additional Ancillary School Accommodation including: 1) New cloakroom extension; 2) New General store extension & relocation of external bin storage; 3) New Mat store extension; 4) Covered soft play area; and associated siteworks
No. 21 Richmond Park and lands to the south east of No. 21 Richmond Park, Killyclogher, Omagh BT79 7SJ
Adjustments to the curtilage of No. 21 Richmond Park and erection of 4 No. detached dwellings, garages and associated access road, on development lands to the south east of 21 Richmond Park, Killyclogher, Omagh BT79 7SJ
The project consists of the construction of a single storey Community Hub Building and associated infrastructure (Servicing/Road/Carparking/ext. Bin storage). The Hub Building will be a steel framed, curtain walling and panelled construction and will compr