LA10/2024/0446/O (Re-Advert) |
Adjacent to and Southwest of No 6 Dergmoney View and northeast of No 1 Dergmoney Lane, Omagh, BT78 1HZ |
3no houses |
LA10/2024/1093/F |
48 Gortview Close, Lisanelly, Omagh, BT79 7WU |
Extension of Site Curtilage and single storey extension to side of dwelling and step lift |
LA10/2024/1095/F |
St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND |
Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church |
LA10/2024/1096/LBC |
St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND |
Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church |
LA10/2024/1097/F |
44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9DT |
Proposed Replacement dwelling & Garage at 44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross |
LA10/2024/1100/F |
Approx 29m NW of unit 10 Showgrounds Retail Park, Omagh, BT79 7AQ |
Re-purposing existing car parking spaces for use as parking spaces for recharging of electric vehicles, including the installation of 2 upstands, feeder pillar, 5 bollards, and associated landscaping adjustments |
LA10/2024/1103/F |
12 Sunnycrest Gardens, Omagh, BT79 7BH |
Proposed extension, alterations and conversion of existing garage to living space and erection of garage |
LA10/2024/1105/F |
2 Oughterard Road, Dromore, BT78 3NL |
Proposed single storey rear extension to existing dwelling |
LA10/2024/1110/F |
6 Crosshill Heights, Dromore, BT78 3DS |
Proposed single storey extensions to front, side and rear of bungalow |
LA10/2024/1120/F |
Stralongford Post Office 190 Tummery Road, Omagh, BT78 3TY |
Replacement of vacant retail building for a new dwelling and domestic garage. |
LA10/2024/1078/F |
51 Edenmore Road, Tempo, BT94 3BT |
Retention of dwelling/revised welling design and position to previously approved application L/2011/0523/RM |
LA10/2024/1082/F |
27 Cavan Road, Magheraveely, Enniskillen, BT92 6EB |
Erection of storage building in connection with adjoining business (car parts) and extension of curtilage |
LA10/2024/1083/F |
35 Raw Road, Brookeborough, Enniskillen, BT94 4GF |
Proposed Garage and Extension of Existing Domestic Curtilage |
LA10/2024/1085/F |
50m Northwest of 118 Lisdead Road Derrynafaugher, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, BT93 6HH |
Re-siting of previously approved farm dwelling & domestic garage under Ref LA10/2024/0669/F (dwelling) |
LA10/2024/1086/F |
Site 250m NNE of 66 Corlave Road, Kesh, BT93 1AX |
Proposed 22000 bird layer poultry unit with enclosed manure store, meal bins, generator enclosure and 2 no underground dirty water tanks. |
LA10/2024/1089/F |
Approx 56m South West of 87 Gardrum Road, Letterbreen, Drumaran, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 9FS |
Erection of Dwelling and Garage on a farm |
LA10/2024/1094/O |
Lands 90 metres North of No 59 Moorlough Road, Lisnaskea BT92 0BS |
Outline application for 12 no detached houses along with access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, improvements to Cushwash Road, and associated site works |
LA10/2024/1098/RM |
100m South West of 64 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2BD |
Erection of 1.5 storey dwelling with domestic garage |
LA10/2024/1099/F |
NW of and Adjoining 17 Abbey Rd, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4RW |
Change of house type to previously approved planning application (LA10/2023/2043/RM - Dwelling) |
LA10/2024/1104/RM |
Immediately West of 17 Drumshimuck Road, Aghintra, Derrylin, BT92 9FY |
Erection of New Dwelling and Domestic Garage |
LA10/2024/1106/F |
7 Cavandale, Enniskillen, BT74 4EN |
Disabled Rear Single Storey Extension |
LA10/2024/1113/F |
373 Killadeas Road, Enniskillen, BT94 1PN |
Replacement of existing retail unit and associated car parking |