Planning Applications 25th November 2024

25th November 2024

Number Location Proposal
LA10/2024/0446/O (Re-Advert) Adjacent to and Southwest of No 6 Dergmoney View and northeast of No 1 Dergmoney Lane, Omagh, BT78 1HZ 3no houses
LA10/2024/1093/F 48 Gortview Close, Lisanelly, Omagh, BT79 7WU Extension of Site Curtilage and single storey extension to side of dwelling and step lift
LA10/2024/1095/F St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church
LA10/2024/1096/LBC St. Patricks Church, 15 Chapel Lane, Gortin, BT79 8ND Replacement and alterations to existing external access steps to a Listed Church
LA10/2024/1097/F 44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross, BT79 9DT Proposed Replacement dwelling & Garage at 44 Foremass Road, Sixmilecross
LA10/2024/1100/F Approx 29m NW of unit 10 Showgrounds Retail Park, Omagh, BT79 7AQ Re-purposing existing car parking spaces for use as parking spaces for recharging of electric vehicles, including the installation of 2 upstands, feeder pillar, 5 bollards, and associated landscaping adjustments
LA10/2024/1103/F 12 Sunnycrest Gardens, Omagh, BT79 7BH Proposed extension, alterations and conversion of existing garage to living space and erection of garage
LA10/2024/1105/F 2 Oughterard Road, Dromore, BT78 3NL Proposed single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
LA10/2024/1110/F 6 Crosshill Heights, Dromore, BT78 3DS Proposed single storey extensions to front, side and rear of bungalow
LA10/2024/1120/F Stralongford Post Office 190 Tummery Road, Omagh, BT78 3TY Replacement of vacant retail building for a new dwelling and domestic garage.
LA10/2024/1078/F 51 Edenmore Road, Tempo, BT94 3BT Retention of dwelling/revised welling design and position to previously approved application L/2011/0523/RM
LA10/2024/1082/F 27 Cavan Road, Magheraveely, Enniskillen, BT92 6EB Erection of storage building in connection with adjoining business (car parts) and extension of curtilage
LA10/2024/1083/F 35 Raw Road, Brookeborough, Enniskillen, BT94 4GF Proposed Garage and Extension of Existing Domestic Curtilage
LA10/2024/1085/F 50m Northwest of 118 Lisdead Road Derrynafaugher, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, BT93 6HH Re-siting of previously approved farm dwelling & domestic garage under Ref LA10/2024/0669/F (dwelling)
LA10/2024/1086/F Site 250m NNE of 66 Corlave Road, Kesh, BT93 1AX Proposed 22000 bird layer poultry unit with enclosed manure store, meal bins, generator enclosure and 2 no underground dirty water tanks.
LA10/2024/1089/F Approx 56m South West of 87 Gardrum Road, Letterbreen, Drumaran, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 9FS Erection of Dwelling and Garage on a farm
LA10/2024/1094/O Lands 90 metres North of No 59 Moorlough Road, Lisnaskea BT92 0BS Outline application for 12 no detached houses along with access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, improvements to Cushwash Road, and associated site works
LA10/2024/1098/RM 100m South West of 64 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard, BT94 2BD Erection of 1.5 storey dwelling with domestic garage
LA10/2024/1099/F NW of and Adjoining 17 Abbey Rd, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4RW Change of house type to previously approved planning application (LA10/2023/2043/RM - Dwelling)
LA10/2024/1104/RM Immediately West of 17 Drumshimuck Road, Aghintra, Derrylin, BT92 9FY Erection of New Dwelling and Domestic Garage
LA10/2024/1106/F 7 Cavandale, Enniskillen, BT74 4EN Disabled Rear Single Storey Extension
LA10/2024/1113/F 373 Killadeas Road, Enniskillen, BT94 1PN Replacement of existing retail unit and associated car parking