Lands approximately 165 metres West of no. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co Tyrone, BT79 7SF
Additional information received. Variation of Condition 41 of K/2014/0246/F (Article 28 application for non-compliance with conditions 25 and 26 of application No K/2013/0072/F (Extension to existing underground exploration tunnel; including temporary buil
Lands approximately 600 metres South West of No. 45 Camcosy Road, Curraghinalt, Gortin, Co. Tyrone, BT79 7SF
Additional information received. Variation of Condition 6 of K/2014/0387/F (Revised explosives store location and layout; a temporary explosives store building, extension to the existing access track, security fencing and gates, 3 culverts/headwalls; CCTV;
6 Bankmore Way Industrial Estate Creevenagh Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 0NZ
Extension to Existing Storage Yard Area plus the Constuction of New Access Road and Reconfiguration of Existing Entrance and Exit and Car/Lobby Parking Spaces to facilitate the better movement of lorries around/through the site for Telestack Ltd
Immediately West/South-West of No 38 Mountview Drive, Lisnaskea, BT92 0JT
Section 54 application to modify condition 8 [Private Street (NI) Order 1980] an condition 9 [design of vehicle resraint barrier and retaining wall] of approval LA10/2018/1263/F [6 No 2.5 storey split-level townhouses with associated site works and landsca