Financial Planning for Retirement Drop In days

Join us for a fun, engaging, and informative event where you’ll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable money-saving tips for the future. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to socialise and learn in a welcoming environment!

Fermanagh and Omagh District Labour Market Partnership, on behalf of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council were awarded funding from the Department for the Economy to deliver a Multiply Programme offering a variety of numeracy themed events aimed at enhancing the numeracy skills of the adult population.

To coincide with positive ageing month, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is hosting two drop-in days to support residents (50 years and over) in planning for retirement. These will take place on:

  • Monday 21 October 11am-4pm– Omagh Library
  • Wednesday 23 October 11am-4pm – ­­Fermanagh House, Enniskillen

A range of support services in financial planning and budgeting for retirement will be available throughout the day, focusing on topics such as pensions, cost of living, shopping, online banking, fraud awareness, power of attorney, wills and funeral cover. Attendees will have the opportunity to speak with them individually or attend one of the following three talks:

  • 11:30am – Budgeting for retirement including pensions, money saving tips, cost of living and shopping;
  • 12:30pm – Scams and fraud awareness;
  • 2:30pm – Money helper tools covering help with retirement, Midlife MOT, power of attorney, pension calculator, sign posting to pension guiders and helplines

Lunch time bingo bonanza and other fun activities will be ongoing throughout the day.

Refreshments will be also be available.

Community transport will provided, if required, to bring people to and from the event. To secure your seat please register before 5pm on Wednesday 16 October 2024  by contacting:

Bronagh Maguire

Tel: 0300 303 1777 Ext.20315



This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

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