
What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.
Fairtrade is a system developed to ensure that farmers in the developing world are paid a fair price for their produce. Many of the farmers who produce everyday items such as bananas, tea, coffee and cocoa are poor and struggle to survive within a system of trade that often does not allow for them to make any profit. When market prices drop for their produce many are forced into debt, which can result in them losing their land and homes. Fairtrade guarantees that the producer receives a minimum price for their goods which covers their average costs of sustainable production.
What is the Fairtrade certification mark?
This mark is an independent consumer label which can only appear on products from the developing world which meet Fairtrade standards.
Fermanagh and Omagh – Fairtrade District Status
The Fermanagh and Omagh District first achieved Fairtrade District status in April 2020. In order to do this, the below five goals were achieved:
- The Council passed a resolution to support Fairtrade, agreeing to make Fairtrade products available internally in canteens and meetings;
- A proportion of local retailers and catering establishments stock Fairtrade products;
- Local workplaces, schools and community organisations support Fairtrade and use products wherever possible;
- Media coverage and events help to raise awareness and understanding of Fairtrade across the community;
- A local Fairtrade steering group was convened to ensure the campaign continues to develop and gain support.
How can I get involved?
Making the change to Fairtrade doesn’t necessarily mean making a huge effort. It can be as simple as swapping a few of your regular grocery items such as tea, coffee, chocolate or bananas for those which carry the Fairtrade Mark.
- Choose products with the Fairtrade mark
- You can ask your local retailer to stock a selection of Fairtrade items
- Ask your local Church or community group to include Fairtrade in their sermons or events list. For more information, visit the Fairtrade Places of Worship section on the Fairtrade Foundation website
- Schools can also become involved in a variety of ways. For more information, visit the Fairtrade Foundation’s Schools website.
- If you would like to register your business as a Fairtrade supporter that offers Fairtrade products to staff or customers, or if you would like to join the Fermanagh and Omagh Fairtrade Steering Group, please contact the Climate Action Team on 0300 303 1777 or email: climate@fermanaghomagh.com
Useful Links
For further information on Fairtrade, visit the Fairtrade Foundation website