Gaeilge | Irish language
The programme of Irish Language events, organised by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, includes Irish language classes catering for all levels of learners; talks and discussions; festivals; workshops, plus lots more.
Sonraí Teagmhála | Contact Details
If you would like to communicate with Fermanagh and Omagh District Council through Irish please email or phone 0300 303 1777 (calls charged at local rate);
There is also a direct Irish Language voicemail service: 0288 225 6214 (calls charged at local rate)
Coinneáil i dteagmháil | Keep in touch
Irish Language e-newsletter
If you would like to sign up to our Irish language e-newsletter, which is monthly, please sign up by clicking here
Irish Language Round Table meetings
If you are involved with a local Irish language group and would like to receive information on our Irish language round table meetings (informal networking and information sessions), please sign up by clicking here.
Ranganna | Classes
Classes for Autumn 2024 are being hosted by MF Learning, in Enniskillen and Omagh.
Cainteanna | Talks
Community Groups can request an Irish Language Officer to deliver a talk in their area. The talks take approximately 1 hour and groups must provide the venue.
Townlands Talk – An insight into the placenames in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area, encouraging everyone to learn about their own Townlands and use them in their daily lives.
Irish Taster Session – A brief overview of some elements of the Irish Language, showcasing greetings, animal names, poetry, Townlands and seanfhocail (proverbs).
To book a talk for your group click here
Is Leor Beirt
Want to bring your ciorcal comhrá outside? Sign up to our Is Leor Beirt campaign, your group will get 2 branded hi-vis vests to encourage both the language and walking safely.
Cláraigh anseo / Register here
Cistiú | Funding
Irish Language Bursaries
Bursaries from Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are available to support attendance at Gaeltacht courses. They are available for young people aged 12-18, adults aged 18+ and for families with at least one adult and one child.
Irish in the Community
Grant aid is available from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council for hosting Irish language activities within your area, including but not limited to Classes, conversation circles one day courses.
Grant Aid
The funding mentioned above is specific to Irish language however applications for Irish Language events and activities are welcomed in other funding streams provided by Fermanagh and Omagh District.
Applications for funding for 2023/24 are now closed.
Oidhreacht | Heritage
Sgéalta Mhuintir Luinigh
Sgéalta Mhuintir Luinigh / Munterloney Folktales is a unique compendium of Tyrone lore in the Irish language including folktales, legends, songs, proverbs, riddles, charms, toasts and accounts of various calendar and other folk customs.
The bulk of its contents was collected between 1929 and 1932 by the Professor of Irish at Trinity College Dublin, Éamonn Ó Tuathail, and the main body of his material was taken down from Eóin Ó Cianáin, an Irish countryman born in Greencastle and resident in nearby Creggan.
Below is a link to a video from the launch of a reprint of Sgéalta Mhuintir Luinigh in An Creagán, November 2015. Professor Séamas Ó Catháin gives background information on the Munterloney Folktales collection, collected by Éamonn Ó Tuathail.
Sgéalta Mhuintir Luinigh on Youtube
Máirtín Ó Gacháin
*A version of the above video is available to view in Irish from the Related Files section*