Community Voluntary Sector Forum

Fermanagh and Omagh Community and Voluntary Sector Forum
The purpose of the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum is to promote communication and information sharing and support working relationships within the community and voluntary sector across the different District Electoral Areas (DEAs) in the Fermanagh and Omagh district; and between the sector and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) and its community planning partners.
The Key aims are to share information and discuss community planning and related issues, to appoint community and voluntary sector (CVS) representatives to the community planning governance structures as required, to develop a joined up approach to the work of the CVS representatives, to promote and develop engagement with the CVS and residents in respect of community planning and other key strategies/policies, to work with FODC to plan and co-design annual CVS Conventions, to work with FODC to inform and support the delivery of the Community Plan; Community Development Strategy and other strategies/action plans as appropriate and to promote equality and respect diversity in its approach and activity.
Representatives on the CVS Forum are people with relevant skills and knowledge of the sector. Nominations to the Forum were sought by FODC from those registered on the CVS Register and nominations were endorsed by at least two registered groups and a registered CVS network. There are 20 members in the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum.
An Annual Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) Convention will be held annually and will be open to all groups registered on FODC’s CVS Register. The convention agenda is co-designed by the CVS Forum and FODC Officers and will receive and discuss progress reports from CVS representatives elected to the community planning governance structures.
The CVS Forum meets a maximum of 3 times per annum. Meetings will be hosted by the CVS in community venues, rotating across the Fermanagh and Omagh district.
See below, a list of members of the CVS Forum (at 27.03.19):
Mr Barry Boyle
Mr Aidan Bunting
Mr Nicholas Cassidy
Ms Eileen Drumm BEM
Mr Jason Donaghy
Ms Allison Forbes
Mr Conor Keys
Mr Aaron McKane
Mr Patrick McMahon
Ms Michelle McRory
Ms Bridie Sweeney
Ms Colleen Dall
Miss Lynn Johnston
Mrs Una Meehan
Mr Micheal Mowen