Community Voluntary Sector Representative Forum
Elections are taking place to a Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) Representatives Forum which will:
- Promote communication/information sharing and support working relationships across the CVS sector and with statutory and other partners, including the Council
- Agree delegation to the Community Planning structures from within the Forum (informed by the details given in nomination papers and considerations of balance).
- Agree a schedule of Forum meetings (at least three per annum).
- Co-design the CVS Conventions with Council Community Services and Community Planning officers.
The meetings of the Forum will: share information and discuss community planning, community development and related issues; develop a joined up approach to the community planning and community development work of the CVS representatives; promote and develop community engagement with the CVS and residents; and plan and co-design (with FODC) CVS Convention meetings. Council officers from community planning and community services will attend all Forum meetings, with other officers and CVS organisations attending by invitation to contribute to discussion on particular issues.
Meetings will be hosted by the CVS in community venues, rotating across Fermanagh and Omagh District.
It is anticipated that approximately 20 members will be appointed to the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum.
Nomination & selection process
From 3 October 2016 to 7 November 2016
Nominations to the Forum will be sought by the Council from those groups registered on the CVS Register. Nominations should be endorsed by at least two registered groups and a registered CVS network.
(A network is an organisation established by CVS groups/organisations to represent a recognised sub-sector within the CVS).
From 14 November 2016 to 9 December 2016
Nominations will be validated by Council Officers and, following agreement, a list of nominees and ballot papers will be issued to all registered groups. Completed ballot papers should be signed by two members of the registered group, one of whom should be an officer.
11 January 2017
Returned ballot papers will be counted and validated and a report brought to the January meeting of the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.
If necessary, action will be taken to encourage and seek out appointees to reflect a broad representation of Section 75 categories.
To be considered to sit on the CVS Representatives Forum:-
- You must fully complete and sign the nomination form – available to download from the related files panel on this web page – which is to be returned before 7 November 2016
- The group or organisation you represent must be registered. To register on the database please refer to the Council website or contact Alison Gilmore on 0300 303 1777.
All nominations received and deemed eligible will be circulated to the CVS database and an election process will take place.
Further information and nomination form is available to download from the related files panel on this web page.