Community Engagement Action Plan

A Community Engagement Action Plan, outlines the approach taken.   Click here to download  ‘Your Plan, Your Say’

Engagement 2015

In developing the draft content of the Community Plan a three-stage approach to engagement took place over a 26-week period from the 26th October 2015 to gather views of the community and key stakeholders on the priority issues for the area. The three stages are outlined below alongside relevant reports and summaries from each stage of engagement.

Stage 1: to identify key issues for stakeholders.

Stage 2: to prioritise key issues identified and develop associated outcomes and performance indicators to address these.

Stage 3: to review the performance indicators and suggest innovative actions to progress the outcomes.

A copy of the summary report can be downloaded (Community Planning Engagement Report 2015) here.

The engagement findings will now be reviewed with statutory agencies and other support partners, together with a strategy review carried out by McClure Watters (Community Planning Strategy Review), which you can download here.

903 people engaged with the process, 50% of whom registered to be involved in the process on an on-going basis. A copy of the participation statistics at each of our roadshow events, as well as online, can be downloaded here (Community Planning Participation Statistics 2015).

Of those who engaged with the process, 50% completed questionnaires and an overview of the Section 75 categories can be downloaded here (Section 75 Engagement statistics 2015)

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What did Stage One of the Community Planning engagement process involve?
During June, July and August 2015 the Council facilitated seven public workshops throughout the Fermanagh and Omagh District area. At the workshops statistical information was presented and evidence prepared by the SMART Region project and attendees were asked to identify issues for the Community Plan. Results from an online survey and four road shows were also collated during this process.

What you said
Notes providing an overview of information gathered under the EconomicSocial and Environmental themes during stage one of community engagement are now available to download.

The results of the Community Planning online survey and four road show events are also available to download.

What did Stage Two of the Community Planning engagement process involve?
During September 2015 a second series of public workshops was arranged to present initial findings gathered from stage one engagement events. These public workshops helped to prioritise the Economic, Social and Environmental issues which emerged from the first stage of engagement.

To view the list of draft Economic, Environmental and Social priorities, download the associated reports:

Stage 2 Draft Economic Priorities

Stage 2 Draft Environmental Priorities

Stage 2 Draft Social Priorities

To view the Social, Economic and Environmental Stage Two reports download the report below:

Stage 2 Report Economic Theme

Stage 2 Report Environmental Theme

Stage 2 Report Social Theme

Stage 3

During October 2015 a series of 4 public workshops were arranged to present a consolidated list of outcomes and draft performance indicators following feedback received from stage one and two engagement processes.

The focus of stage three engagement to present 14 consolidated and cross cutting social, economic and environmental outcomes alongside 85 specific performance indicators which would assist in monitoring progression of improvements against identified outcomes.

A copy of the summary report following stage three engagements can be downloaded (Community Planning Engagement Report 2015) here.

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