‘From Talk to Action’ – 8 week Consultation

Complete our Online Survey here

Following the launch of the Community Plan, an Action Plan has been produced including actions which will help to begin to jointly tackle the major issues in the district and require a high level of partnership working to achieve, with a focus on prevention and early intervention. Some of the actions can be delivered in the short to medium term, others will take longer to fully achieve. The draft Fermanagh Omagh 2030 Community Plan Action Plan can be downloaded here

The draft Action Plan is available for consultation for 8 weeks between 18 December 2017 and 11 February 2018. The plans are about your place and your future, so your say is important. The Community Planning Partnership is keen to hear what you think about what is included in the Action Plan.

You are also invited to attend our Drop-in Public Information Events which will be held in January (see below). At the events, you will be given an opportunity to talk to trained facilitators who will talk you through the Action Plan and take notes of your comments.

Lisnaskea Library 16th January 2018, 6pm – 8pm Postponed until Tuesday 6th February 2018, 6pm-8pm due to weather warnings in place. 

Omagh Library 17th January 2018, 10am – 8pm

Enniskillen Library 23rd January 2018, 10am – 8pm  Postponed until Tuesday 30th January 2018, 10am-8pm due to circumstances beyond control.

Owenkillew Community Centre, Gortin 24th January 2018, 6pm – 8pm

If you require special arrangements to be made to enable you, a friend or relative to attend a workshop, please contact us in advance and we will meet your requests where possible.

Following consultation, a report will be prepared and presented to the Community Planning Strategic Partnership Board for consideration before agreement of the final Action Plan.

You can make comments on the Action Plan via our digital platform through Facebook and Twitter. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are @fermanaghomagh

The Fermanagh and Omagh Community Plan also has a hashtag where all communications are brought together for collective viewing: #fermanaghomagh2030

If you would like more information about the Community Plan Action Plan, you can get in touch with Kim Weir, Strategic Planning and Performance Manager by telephoning 0300 303 1777, ext 20236, textphone 028 8225 6216 or email community.planning@fermanaghomagh.com
