Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan 2035

Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan brings together expertise from a diverse range of partners with different knowledge and interests to help shape the development of Enniskillen for the next 10-15 years. Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan was formally agreed by the Community Planning Partnership on 23 February 2023. Its shared ambition is:

Evidence Based
The Place Shaping process is founded on data and evidence led decision making practices. Significant spatial and economic analysis including a review of key statistics such as the towns current and predicted demographic profile, a town centre health check and its development potential took place. You can download a copy of the detailed Baseline Analysis report below.

This plan was co-produced to ensure it is informed by local knowledge and expertise of the local people for local people. Significant engagement with local businesses, statutory partners, local businesses, the CVS sector, local residents and other under-represented section 75 groups took place.
Over 1700 responses were received during continuous engagement practices over the 12-month period of its development. To read more about the engagement and how this informed the content of the plan you can download a copy of the Engagement Report below:
Involving Children and Young People

Children and Young People involvement was prioritised as a key aspect of the development of the Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan. Engagement methods adopted included targeted focus group discussions, a specific targeted survey for Children and Young People promoted through schools, development of an Easy Read version of the Plan and an arts and creativity competition.
331 submissions were received for the creative competition of a very high standard. A prize giving hosted by the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council was held in the Town Hall to present the prize winners with their prizes. The overall winner of the competition Lexie Bradshaw aged 8 Irvinestown Controlled Primary School has her art showcased above. To see a selection of the excellent entries click below:
There are 6 Key Themes Identified within the Plan