What’s new in Community Planning

Emerging from Crisis - Immediate Priorities
The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has brought us into an unprecedented time in terms of the threat to our health, with restrictions on our daily lives which would have seemed unimaginable a few short months ago. As we begin to emerge from lockdown restrictions, we remain mindful of the toll this situation has taken on many in our society, including the tragic loss of life, as well as the potential for a second wave which would bring with it further threats, challenges and restrictions.
At this point, partners are working to adapt their service and delivery models to the new circumstances and to simultaneously put in place recovery plans alongside contingency plans taking account of the risk of a second wave.
Over the next 12 months, as a minimum, Community Planning Partners will need to identify the key priorities to be addressed as a partnership to move us towards recovery – this is referred to as the ‘Emerging from Crisis’ period. A key consideration is the recognition that partners may need to move back into crisis mode if the situation deteriorates.
The Community Planning Strategic Partnership Board met on 21 May and again on 6 July 2020. A meeting of Community Planning Joint Management Team also took place on 22 June 2020.
A report “Emerging from Crisis – Immediate Actions” was developed and circulated at meetings for partner input, it identifies 18 priority actions for the CPP over the next 12 months.
The Community Planning Partnership will work on the basis that these 18 actions will be the sole focus of Community Planning over the next 12 months, working closely with action leads and partner organisations.
Once Action Leads are clarified, Performance Report Cards will be developed for each of the 18 actions outlined and presented to the Strategic Partnership Board at the end of September 2020 for full agreement to proceed.
The Community Plan will be updated with these 18 actions and will be ready for ratification at the September meeting.
For further information on Fermanagh and Omagh Community Planning Partnership actions, please contact the Community Planning team by email on community.planning@fermanaghomagh.com