Advice for XL Bully Owners

New legal safeguards came into effect for XL Bully type dogs in Northern Ireland on 5th July 2024. From this date, owners are not allowed to breed, sell, exchange, gift or abandon an XL Bully type dog, and they must keep their dog muzzled and on a lead when in public places. If you own an XL Bully, you are advised to read through the current guidance available on nidirect at

While it is currently still legal to own an XL Bully in Northern Ireland, this will change on 31st December 24, when beyond that date it will become an offence to own an XL Bully in the absence of an Exemption Certificate. 

Making an application for an XL Bully Exemption Certificate

The application process for XL Bully exemptions is now open 9th August 2024 and closes on 31st December 2024. Owners of XL Bully dogs can apply by downloading an application in the download section at the bottom of this page.

Once completed, this form should be returned either by email to

Or Post to

Dog Control Team, Connect Centre, County Buildings- 15 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BW


Dog Control Team, Connect Centre, Strule House- 16 High Street, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 1BL

To apply for an Exemption Certificate for your XL Bully dog you must;

  • Be the registered owner
  • Have a valid dog licence
  • Be 16 years or older
  • Keep the dog at the same address as the certificate holder (you can keep the dog at a different address for a maximum of 30 days in any 12 month period)
  • Get your dog microchipped by the time it is 8 weeks old
  • Have your dog neutered by the time it is 18 months old
  • Get third party public liability insurance for your dog
  • Pay the application fee of £92.40

Please note that Exemption Certificates will only be issued once we are satisfied with the application and evidence provided, and if the fee of £92.40 has been paid before the deadline.

Getting your dog microchipped and licensed
All XL Bully type dogs must be microchipped and licensed and applications for exemption will not be accepted in the absence of a current dog licence.

If your XL Bully is not already licensed, please do so online at

If your XL Bully dog is too young to be microchipped when you apply for an exemption, you will have until 31 March 2025 to send the microchip number to us.

If your XL Bully dog cannot be microchipped for health reasons, an exemption can be made however you must get a certificate from your vet to confirm this.

You can find more information on microchipping your dog at:


Third party public liability insurance
You must have third party public liability insurance for your dog. The cover must begin no later than 1 January 2025. You may wish to consider signing up for The Dogs Trust Companion Club which includes insurance for XL Bully type dogs.

The policy/membership must:

  • be renewed annually for the life of the dog and proof given to your local council
  • be in the same name as the person named on the Exemption Certificate

If you use a different insurance provider, you must check that the policy:

  • covers the policyholder for death or bodily injury to any person caused by the exempted dog
  • is suitable for a prohibited breed as defined under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991


Neutering an XL Bully dog
For your Exemption Certificate to remain valid, you must arrange to have your XL Bully dog neutered. Male dogs must be neutered through castration, and female dogs must be spayed.

For dogs 18 months or older on 31 December 2024, evidence of neutering having occurred must be given to the relevant local council by 30 June 2025.

For dogs younger than 18 months on 31 December 2024, evidence of neutering must be given to the relevant local council by 30 June 2025, or one month after the dog reaches 18 months of age, whichever is later.

If you are unsure whether your dog has been neutered, you should seek advice from your vet. You may have to pay a fee for this.

Veterinary Confirmation of Neutering form can be found in the download section at the bottom of this page.

After you apply for an exemption
If you have an Exemption Certificate for your XL Bully, you must follow these rules for the life of the dog:

  • keep the dog at the same address as the certificate holder – you can temporarily keep it at a different address for up to 30 days in a 12-month period
  • tell your local council if you permanently change address – you do not need to tell if you temporarily keep the dog at another address for up to 30 days in a 12-month period
  • tell your local council if the dog dies or is exported
  • have third party public liability insurance for your dog – you can change insurance, but there can be no gap in cover and you must give proof of insurance to your local council annually
  • keep the dog muzzled in public places – it’s best to use a muzzle that lets the dog pant, breathe and drink easily
  • keep the dog on a lead in public places – someone over 16 years old must securely hold the lead
  • keep the dog in secure conditions so it cannot escape

If the local council asks, you must also give:

  • access to the dog to read its microchip
  • proof of suitable third party liability insurance within five days of their request
  • the Exemption Certificate within five days of their request

If you do not follow these rules, your Exemption Certificate will not be valid, and your dog could be seized.

DAERA Compensation scheme for owners who do not wish to keep their XL Bully type dog

If you currently own an XL Bully dog and choose not to adhere to new measures and no longer wish to keep your dog, arrangements may be made to surrender that dog, and for compensation to be paid.

For compensation to be payable, owners must arrange for the XL Bully type dog to be euthanised prior to 31 December 2024.

Please note that the compensation scheme is provided independently of the Councils exemption scheme, and any claims for compensation must be sent directly to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for processing by 28 February 2025 using the prescribed compensation claim form for XL Bully owners.  The claim form will be available when the schemes go live on 9 August 2024.

For XL Bully dog owners £100 compensation is payable in respect of the dog and £100 towards the veterinary fees for euthanising the dog. Rehoming organisations can claim £100 towards the veterinary fees for euthanising.

For further details on the compensation scheme, please see the following link

File Type Size Date
Veterinary confirmation of neutering form XL Bully dog pdf 91 KB 11th September 2024
Application Form for Certificate of Exemption to keep an XL Bully dog in NI pdf 197 KB 11th September 2024