Green Dog Walkers
The Green Dog Walkers scheme is a UK wide community-based campaign to change attitudes about dog fouling. We are using the scheme as an innovative approach to dog fouling, one of the most controversial issues we deal with in our Council area.
Responsible dog owners
Dog owners and dog walkers support the scheme by signing a pledge to clean up after their pets. They support other owners to do the same by giving free poop bags. They are responsible dog owners demonstrating the importance of cleaning up dog mess.
Dogs wearing green collars and leads
If you see a dog wearing the Green Dog Walkers collar/lead, this means the owner has taken the pledge:
- to always clean up after their dog
- to carry extra poop bags
- to give other dog walkers free dog poop bags
To become a Green Dog Walker, first read the pledge and complete the acceptance form. When we receive your acceptance form, we will post you a free Green Dog Walkers collar, lead and poop bags for your pet or these can be collected at
- Town Hall, Enniskillen
- Connect Centre, High St, Omagh
Free Dog Bag Dispensers are available to collect from the following Council locations:
- Killyvilly Depot, Enniskillen
- Gortrush Depot, Omagh
- The Grange, Omagh
- Townhall, Enniskillen
- Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen
- Connect Centre, Omagh
- Enniskillen Castle
- Irvinestown Arc Centre
- Bawnacre Centre
Green Dog Walkers pledge
For further information contact Dog Control, Licensing Department, by email or telephone.
Telephone: 0300 303 1777