Additional Bin Collection Service

The Council also recognises that some households may require the collection of a second Black/Green bin. This Additional Bin Collection service can be provided for several reasons including:

  • To dispose of material due to the medical condition of a household member.
  • If the number of occupants permanently within a household is eight, or more.
  • If the household has a secondary rated apartment attached, which has permanent occupants.

Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis however, if an application is successful the householder will still be required to place their authorised bin at the roadside for collection.

Please Note: If you are successful in applying for an additional bin and your circumstances change and you need an assisted lift collection, please refer to Assisted Bin Lift service as you will need to reapply.

Please also note if your application for an additional bin is successful there will be a charge for the bin as well as a delivery charge.  Charges for bins are available on our Household Bins page.

Please note – if your application has been successful, the service will only begin when you have received written confirmation from the Council.


The Council Policy in relation to these additional services can be accessed below.  Should you wish to apply for any of these additional services please complete the relevant application form and return it to either:

Refuse Supervisor, Waste and Recycling, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Killyvilly Depot, 152 Tempo Road, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT74 4GD

Refuse Supervisor, Waste and Recycling, Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, Gortrush Depot, Mullaghmenagh Upper, Great Northern Road, Omagh, County Tyrone, BT78 5EJ


Should you wish to discuss the additional services or have queries in relation to the application process please contact our offices at 0300 303 1777