Commercial Waste Collections

The Council operates a fortnightly black (green) landfill bin for non-recyclable waste, a blue recycling bin collection and a brown bin for food waste collection (dependant on location) to business and commercial properties across the Fermanagh and Omagh District.

The Council have a range of bins to suit your needs. If you wish to discuss your waste disposal options and requirements please contact Waste and Recycling 0300 303 1777

Purchase of commercial wheelie bins

*If your business has increased waste recycled/ improved separation, reducing non-recyclable landfill waste you may choose to designate a current black/green landfill bin to a recycling bin. You do not need to purchase a new bin. You will be provided with stickers to clearly mark the bin as a designated recycling bin*.

Sale of commercial bins 2024/25 including VAT New Bin Replacement Bin *
240Litre black/green landfill bin

240Litre blue recycling bin

240Litre brown food waste bin

£32.50 £29.50
360Litre black/green landfill bin

360Litre blue recycling bin





660Litre black/green landfill bin

660Litre blue recycling bin

£453.50 £409.50
1100Litre black/green landfill bin

1100Litre blue recycling bin

£502.50 £454.00

*You must bring your old bin back for recycling to receive the discount

For a visual image of bin sizes please see the business leaflet attached to this page

Sale of replacement parts 2024/25
Wheel (each)

Axle (each)



Set of wheels/axles £6.70
Wheeled bin delivery (including VAT) £11.60

*The Council will send your Duty of Care documents which MUST be completed prior to waste being collected from your business property. You will receive your annual trade waste stickers when your Duty of Care and payment is completed and returned*. Your trade waste stickers must be clearly displayed on your bin.

To purchase a new or additional bin please contact waste and recycling 0300 303 1777 or complete the following form.

Trade Waste Charges 2024/25

Bin Size Landfill Food Waste Recycling
Black/Green Bin Brown Bin Blue Bin
Per collection Per Year

(26 weeks)

Per collection Per Year

(26 weeks)

Per collection Per Year

(26 weeks)

140 Litre £3.85 £100.10 N/A £1.20 £31.20
240 Litre £7.20 £187.20 £4.10 £106.60 £2.10 £54.60
360 Litre £10.50 £273.00 N/A £3.00 £78.00
  660 Litre   £19.50 £507.00 N/A £5.60 £145.60
1100 Litre   £32.50 £845.00 N/A £9.20 £239.20

Waste Collections

All waste MUST be separated for recycling

Black/green landfill bin

The black/green landfill bin is for the collection of non-recyclable landfill waste including plastic bags and film, polystyrene, bubble wrap.

Blue recycling bin

The Blue recycling bin is for the collection of mixed dry recyclables including paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, food tins and drink cans, tetra pak, aerosols

All waste MUST be clean, dry and loose

All cardboard should be flattened

No food waste, plastic bags, plastic film or polystyrene

*Confidential paper waste should be shredded and brought to Gortrush, Omagh or Drummee, Enniskillen or collected by a private operator*

Brown food waste bin

If your business undertakes processes or activities that create food waste, you must comply with the Food Waste Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015.

A food business means: “an undertaking, whether carried on for profit or not, and whether public or private, carrying out any activity related to the processing, distribution, preparation or sale of food. If your businesses produces greater than 5kg of food waste per week, you must separate food waste for recycling.

Depending on your location the Council may offer a brown bin collection for food waste. Please contact waste and recycling 0300 303 1777 for further information on collections operating in your area

Food waste includes fruit & veg peelings, bread, meat, fish, bones, leftovers.

Presenting your bin

Your wheelie bins must be presented by 7am with handles facing outwards on your designated collection day. Please note collection times may change due to unforeseen circumstances on the day of your collection.

You can check your collection dates on the Council website Waste calendar collection tool or download the binovation app and insert your property address which will provide your collection day. Alternatively contact waste and recycling 0300 303 1777 and request a hardcopy collection calendar.

Do not overfill bins. Lids should be closed. Waste left beside bins will not be collected.

Commercial Waste at Council Recycling Centres

If you wish to set up an account as a business waste customer at Gortrush, Omagh or Drummee, Enniskillen Recycling Centre please contact Waste and Recycling 0300 303 1777

Commercial waste charges at Gortrush, Omagh and Drummee, Enniskillen Recycling Centres

All Waste MUST be pre-sorted for recycling

A wide range of materials can be recycled at the Council recycling centres:

Paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, hard plastics, waste electricals, timber, scrap metal, bulky waste, cooking/mineral oil (limited sites), batteries, textiles, garden waste.

Businesses can dispose of selected recyclable materials free of charge if the waste is fully separated, and disposed of in the correct recyclable container

Commercial recyclable waste accepted free of charge includes cardboard (flattened), paper, plastic bottles, tubs, pots and trays, hard plastics, scrap metal, ink cartridges, batteries

Waste that is not separated for recycling brought in to the site as mixed loads or mixed black bag waste WILL be charged landfill rate costs


Chargeable Commercial Waste (accepted at Gortrush, Omagh and Drummee, Enniskillen only)

Waste Type Disposal £’s per tonne 2024/2025
Landfill Waste £169.50
Mixed loads/mixed black bags £169.50
Inert rubble waste £13.50
Timber £33.50
Green waste £26.50
Commercial fridges £100.00 per fridge
Plasterboard £90.00
Farm plastics/silage wrap £125.00 *

* Price subject to change

Chargeable Commercial Waste (accepted at Drummee landfill site only)

Waste Type Disposal £’s per tonne 2024/2025
Special burial waste £252.00
Clean clay £10.50
Contaminated clay (oil) £33.50


For further information please refer to the business waste, business food waste information leaflets attached contact waste and recycling 0300 303 1777 or download the binovation app

Please select the type of bin you require.

New Bins

Includes VAT.