Recycling Centres

Locations & opening hours

For full details on recycling centre locations and opening times, please visit the opening hours section of the Council website.


A map of household recycling centres and materials accepted at each is available to view.

When you visit
When you visit our recycling centres, please do so safely.
✅Pre-sort your waste and recycling prior to your visit. Recycling materials must not be placed in landfill containers. Further information is available to download.
✅Follow traffic management on site
✅Dispose your waste into the containers provided.
Please show respect at all times. Abuse towards staff and other site users will not be tolerated. Anyone deemed to be abusive or in breach of staff and public health and safety measures will not be permitted on site
Thank you for continuing to recycle your waste.

Food Waste

Compostable liners for food waste
Compostable liners for food waste caddies are available, free of charge, at recycling centres.

Disposing of Food Waste at Recycling Centres
Food waste from your 23 Litre Food Waste Caddy can be disposed of at Carrickmore, Dromore, Drummee (Enniskillen), Fintona, Gortrush (Omagh), Irvinestown, Kinawley and Lisnaskea Household Recycling Centres.

Vapes and E-Cigarettes

Vapes should be placed in the Small Electrical Appliances or designated container at your local Household Recycling Centre.

Ink Cartridges

Ink cartridges can be recycled at Carrickmore, Dromore, Fintona and Gortrush Household Recycling Centre.

Download the free Bin-Ovation app
You can keep up to date by downloading the Bin-Ovation app.

Free to download, Bin-ovation gives you absolute clarity on how to treat hundreds of household waste items and gives instant access to waste and recycling information.

Available on smart phones and tablets the bin-ovation app provides:

  • Clarity on over 300 household items including which bin the item should be placed in or if you can take it to your local recycling centre
  • Calendar and a set reminder of which day your bin is collected to ensure you present the right bin at the kerbside for collection
  • Opening hours and GPS directions to your local recycling centres
  • News on your current and new collections including up to date information on daily changes to services
  • Information on your recycling services and tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle

To download the app go to the App store or Google Play and type “Bin-ovation” on your android or smart phone and follow the download instructions.

NOTE: for iPad users select iPhone only when searching


Recycling downloads